The Astrology Of Rock Bands

In the mid-sixties, popular western music found itself looking to the East for new musical perspectives. Whether it was the use of the sitar in the band or just playing eastern riffs on the guitar or organ, such cultures as India and the Middle-East made their impact on popular music. The Stones with Paint it Black and the Beatles with Revolver led the way in the UK, while across the Atlantic, Jefferson Airplane and Country, Joe and the Fish really took it on board. The latter's Electric Music For The Mind and Body remains a lasting testimony to the genre, and without a sitar in sight! However, despite the several references to, and songs about, the Vietnam War, few if any western musicians looked east of Burma for their musical inspirations. The Orient remained apart from this cultural exchange, although Japan was a hotbed for garage bands. But that's another thing altogether where the Far East was inspired by the West.
So to India and the culture that most influenced the Western music of the 60s. We find that there is, and has been for thousands of years,a thriving astrology there, much used by ordinary people in their daily lives. This sidereal astrology, referred to as Vedic or Hindu Astrology, would be a natural choice for this project here but unfortunately my knowledge of the system is limited. With apologies to that fine tradition and all Jyotish astrology students, we instead set sail for China,Tibet, Vietnam and those countries practising the equally ancient astrology of the Far East, commonly known as Chinese Astrology but Lunar Astrology would be more precise. Particularly given the part that Vietnam has played in keeping Lunar Astrology alive and flourishing.

Here we meet the cycle of the 12 Animals (originally there were 36) and more. Here in the Lands of The Rising Sun, it is the Moon who shines bright and clear, forming the backdrop to starry happenings, as in the Indian traditions. Here the stars are visibly studied and measured first-hand,as almost a daily ritual. Jupiter becomes female and Venus male. Air is replaced by Wood and Metal. There is no royal lion but instead a rather glorious monkey and instead of the other-worldly pisces we have a disappearing rabbit (or hare or cat even) An altogether different world to the zodiac we have come to know so well in the West. In recent years, this Eastern Astrology has enjoyed a Renaissance, to such an extent that many westerners know which animal "sits in their hearts" and more and more astrologers are now linking the 2 Astrologies. More explanations as we progress but it's time to meet our first band. The Beatles get the honour.
The Beatles

Lennon and McCartney, were as different in their Eastern elements as they were in their songs and personalities. Paul's strong Fire contingent had his Yang Water element pretty busy trying to keep things under control. As his Heavenly Stem, Water should have more influence than his Horse Earthly Branch. Used constructively, Water can help Fire by slowing down any excesses yet still be his exuberant, creative self. However, there would be times when Paul’s Fire won the day and left his Water side somewhat steamy. Paul was up for these challenges!
John had a similar challenge with his Metal outweighing his Wood. In his case, Metal was also his heavenly stem, making John’s challenge more difficult than Paul’s. With his Dragon Earthly Branch, an inner conflict was likely because Dragon is Yang Wood and not one to back down. With Wood representing expansion & Metal, keeping within sensible boundaries, John may have felt held back. He needed to break free. Yoko Ono, coming into his life, was the perfect antidote to any inner conflicts. Her main element Water, lies between John's Wood and Metal in the Generating Cycle. Therefore it can act as a bridge between John’s 2 conflicting elements, helping John to reconcile them.
Years ending in 0 or 1 are Metal, 2 and 3 are Water, 4 and 5 are Wood, 6 and 7 are Fire, 8 and 9 are Earth. That end digit is the Heavenly Stem. The Animal Sign is the Earthly Branch. Paul's Earthly Branch is Horse and his Heavenly Stem is Yang Water. Adding Paul's Sun sign we get - Gemini Water Horse (all action!) John is Libra Metal Dragon. George is Pisces Water Sheep. Ringo is Cancer Metal Dragon. George has the most sensitive signs.
George had 3 different elements. His Sheep Year giving him Yin Fire, his Heavenly Stem giving him Yin Water, and his month branch giving him Yin Wood. George's elements, with their Yin expression, gave him rather different characteristics to those of Paul and John’s Yang qualities. George’s Sheep flanked by Horse and Dragon. His guitar playing reflected this Yin side, and it was no surprise that George should have interest in the spiritual side of life. Yin, being more reflective than the pro-active Yang, would make George an ideal counterpart to his song-writing colleagues. His heavenly stem, Water, also showed his creative nature.

Eastern Astrology
George Harrison - February 25, 1943 - November 29, 2001
Ringo, like John, had Yang Metal as his Heavenly Stem, with Dragon Year making him Yang Wood. So, the Metal to Wood challenge is there but with his month branch being Fire, Ringo has a little more balance to his make-up than John has. Though his Metal heavenly stem carries more weighting, Fire’s generating relationship with Wood might keep Metal onside. Ringo’s Hour Branch was Water giving him the full set of elements. Ringo’s chart, like George’s, looks a happy one.
The Beatles - Western Astrology - Individually
George’s main planets are in Water – sensitive, compassionate and empathetic. Even his Ascendant is Water – Scorpio. His 3 colleagues lack the Water element in general, though Ringo has Sun in Cancer. George also has Mercury (mentality) exalted in Aquarius, and Mars (action) exalted in Capricorn. He has no planets in his 1st house (personal identity) unlike his colleagues. Therefore, with Scorpio his Ascendant, Scorpio’s rulers Mars (action) and Pluto (transformation) come into George’s personal spotlight. They are his chart co-rulers. The signs and houses they occupy will help colour George’s empty house. His Mars is exalted in Capricorn because Capricorn’s social achievements make Mars’ feel its efforts were worthwhile.
George's Pluto (albeit in Retrograde) brings Leo’s Fire and House 9’s adventurous spirit into his First House. His Mercury (mentality) is in Aquarius. Traditionally exalted here but some say Virgo fits better. Either way, Mercury in Aquarius does well for George who was both a humanitarian and political activist. George's planets are spread wider than any of his colleagues which suggests he was versatile and universal in his outlook, and prepared to give of himself wherever there was a need. Another pointer to his Humanitarianism. His Sun makes 7 of his 9 most important Aspects. Some comfortable, some challenging. Pisces Sun is most happy to have Scorpio Ascendant on board but George isn’t so sure about becoming the rebel that Uranus might have him be.
His Sun square Saturn provided his Sun's biggest challenge. Personality difficulties would have caused George much soul-searching. Pisces and Gemini, however, is a less aggressive square than some. John's "Tomorrow Never Knows" comes to mind..."Turn off your mind , relax and float downstream...it is not dying, it is not dying..." It's hardly surprising that George turned to the spirituality that he did. Spiritual and mystical awareness in the secluded 12th house with the Scorpio nature adding to the soul-searching and self-reliant qualities. A most powerful conjunction with the ascendent [we are talking unconscious mind here] as well as a harmonious trine with his sun. Three big influences in his chart working together. George would appear to have been living this out.
Like John, however, activity on the retrograde front with 3 there, including Jupiter but better placed in cancer than John's in Taurus. Pluto and Neptune are the others with Neptune particularly interesting as its the co-ruler of his Pisces sun – the other ruler being Jupiter. So both rulers of his Pisces are in retrograde. With Neptune retro , escapism likely but even more so, evolution of spirit and feelings. Alot happening inside which comes out in so much of his music. His guitar was indeed weeping in the deepest sense. His strong Mars placement would have helped him take the initiative in the achievement of his objectives, with no major aspects to divert the energy. It all helped to make George who he was
Ringo Star - 7 July 1940 - living
Ringo’s planets are all in the lower half of his chart (northern hemisphere) suggesting a self-contained person who prefers to keep a low profile. He had the same Taurean planets as John but none retrograde, therefore planets functioning normally, giving Ringo, Taurus’ qualities of practicality and inner peace. A Taurus Ascendant too! Ringo would have particularly felt the presence of two of these Taurean planets – Saturn and Uranus, being in his 1st house. In Taurus, Uranus is in fall, being restricted by Taurus' down to earth nature. Saturn in the 1st too would have caused some inhibitions for Ringo. But he was spared the retrograde problems faced by John. With Venus in Gemini but in Retrograde, Ringo would take love more seriously than most do but may have found obstacles holding him back earlier in his life. Venus R also makes break-ups more difficult to get over. Gemini’s lighter approach to love may have helped him eventually.
His Moon in Leo has Mercury, Mars, and Pluto for company in the 5th House forming a Stellium. Paul has the same planets in Leo except for Mercury. Instead he has Chiron in Leo. This house is Leo’s natural house of self-expression where children, pleasure, romance, and creativity abound. This close proximity of planets should intensify the Leo energy and characteristics. Ringo’s Moon conjunct Mercury helps him to discuss feelings while Moon conjunct Mars should give him a passion and zest for life, inspiring his fellow Beatles. His Moon conj Pluto can make feelings become too intense for comfort and is more akin to his Venus R challenges. Pluto’s effect on Mars and Mercury is more positive. However, it’s the Stellium itself that should prevail, rather than individual Aspects, with all 4 planets joining in Leo’s celebration of life here. A fixed sign but fixed in having fun. No other Beatle had a natal Stellium. Whatever emotions his Cancer Sun might ever face, lots of Leos nearby to raise his spirits.
John Lennon 9 October 1940 - 8 December 1980
John’s planets are predominately in Earth and Air signs. Air can raise Earth to new perspectives – as John’s Libra did and then Yoko’s Aquarius did while Earth can show Air how to be more realistic and bring concepts to fruition. Maybe Nutopia? John had all his Taurus planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) in retrograde which means they were not functioning as they should. Saturn retrograde can indicate an absent father figure, and also suggests conflicts with authority. A particularly difficult retrograde to deal with. With Jupiter Retrograde, there may be deeply felt suspicions and mistrust of organizations, including spiritual faiths. Uranus Retrograde might cause difficulties in fully expressing our originality, innovation, ingenuity etc. All 3 being in John’s First House (Personal Identity) means these frustrations would be constantly with him. However, with 3 of his 5 personal planets in Air signs (Sun, Moon and Mars) he was able to interact efficiently with his fellow Beatles. His Venus (what we desire) is debilitated in Virgo but then he found his soul mate, Yoko Ono.
Her Aquarius Sun matched John’s Aquarius Moon. Her Libra Ascendant matched John’s Libra Sun. Soul mates if ever there were. Her Eastern Water Element even bridged his Metal/Wood conflict (See under Eastern Astrology) Yoko couldn’t quite produce a Libra Moon for his Libra Sun but she did the next best thing – a Sagittarius Moon to sextile John’s Sun. The best thing of all was that it was mutual assistance. Yoko had her own challenges with 4 planets in detriment and 4 in retrograde. John had 5 of his planets in fall or detriment and none in rulership or exaltation. John’s 6th house (Virgo’s House) was his other stand out house. Neptune is in fall there and Venus is debilitated. Juno is his only bright spot, exalted in Leo and making a nice sextile harmony with his Sun. Placed in Leo's 5th house, suggests that John was prepared to make that Juno commitment to his partner. One of his main challenges was his Aquarius Moon opposite Pluto in Leo.
Moon in Aquarius people tend to be philosophers and humanitarians, not prone to letting emotions get the better of them. Pluto’s intensity isn’t the way that they want to change things. They prefer other ways. John and Yoko in creating Nutopia showed such a way. Moon opposed Pluto, which causes intense feelings and extremes in mood and behaviour, and his Saturn Retro, might have made certain occurences in his earlier life feel even worse. His difficult childhood comes to mind. His Moon's trine with Mars which would try to counter these problems in a positive way, trying not to dwell on them too much. With Mars ruling John's Ascendant and the Moon being his highest planet, John’s Mars and Moon are key to his chart. They are his most aspected planets with Moon set apart from John’s other planets. More about John in Paul’s section.
Paul McCartney 18 June 1942 - living
Paul’s planets are mainly in Air (ideas and communication) and Fire (enthusiasm, spontaneity, impulsiveness) Like Ringo, Paul has his planets in one half of his chart but in the Southern Hemisphere (ambitious) Apart from Neptune conjunct Ascendent, and in his 1st house, his other planets lie between his 9th and 11th houses. Only Neptune is in fall (in Virgo) and only Mercury is Retrograde. Ruling Virgo as it does, Mercury becomes an important planet, ruling his chart too, and conjunct his Midheaven. Mercury's sextile with Moon is close enough to suggest that Paul would indeed have had that balance of mentality and intuition to bring about the imagination and resourcefulness he possessed. Gemini helps his Mercury seek and accept new ideas and challenges. We know from his eastern elements that Paul was adventurous with his Fire dominant there, and we see this again in his Western 9th house of travelling and exploration where Saturn, Venus, Uranus and Mercury are. Sagittarius is its natural sign but here, the house is cusped by Taurus whose ruler, Venus, is present.
Paul’s other planets here are all in Gemini. Interesting because a house with a Taurus/Sagittarius ‘flavour’, is filled with Gemini planets. Not Gemini’s favourite signs. Paul’s Venus is busy being squared by his Leo Moon. In Taurus, however Venus is at ease. Like Mercury, it's in a sign it rules. Perhaps Leo Moon feels that Venus needs to show more emotion and sparkle. Paul’s Gemini Sun is next door in House 10, along with House 9’s ruler, Jupiter. Career and status would have been high priorities for Paul given Sun and Jupiter here, and both close to his Midheaven. Paul’s House 11 is Aquarius’ Friendship House. Here, it is cusped by Leo, and contains all his Leo planets. Moon, Mars, Pluto, and Chiron. The Joy of friends! Two conjunctions – Mars and Pluto (a powerful desire to achieve goals) and Moon conjunct Chiron. Moon is our emotional core and Chiron is our wounded healer. With Moon representing Mother, this is the natural starting point. Paul’s mother died of cancer when he was 14, and he was devastated. Shortly after her passing, Paul wrote his first song “I Lost My Little Girl.” Years later, Paul said he had the idea of "Let It Be" after he had a dream about his mother. She had told him, "It will be all right, just let it be."
Paul first met John Lennon on July 6, 1957, and within a year John’s mother had died after a car had hit her. John was 17, and was as shattered as Paul had been. John also wrote 3 songs about his mum. “Mother, "Julia" and "My Mummy's Dead." "Mother you had me, but I never had you" is from “Mother.” John was brought up by an aunt but it was his mother who encouraged his musical talent. John had a Moon/Chiron Aspect too – they were in opposition. Intense feelings of unfulfillment in relationships with early nurturers and carers is likely. Consequently, John had to figure out the rules of nurturing, emotions and relationships for himself, rather than conform to social etiquette. A rebel with a cause. Given their shared experiences, it was very fitting that John and Paul should write songs together.
Paul’s Gemini Sun has the most aspects with 2 standout ones. Sun square Ascendant can cause people to get the wrong impression about you. In Paul’s case, it’s also about Gemini and Virgo not seeing eye to eye. His Sun is also square Neptune. Being in Paul’s First Horse, there’s no escaping Neptune. For all the frustrations and confusion it can cause, Neptune also gives a powerful imagination. There is a dreamy wistfulness present in many of his beautiful songs such as "And I Love Her". "In My Life", "Till There Was You" " For no-one" and more. His Taurus Moon and Jupiter in Cancer can also be heard in these sensitive songs. His Leo Moon would have thrived in being in a rock band.


An Eastern Perspective - 12 Animals and 5 Elements
The pre-dominance of Wood and Metal elements within the band is very striking. If ever a band represented the qualities of Wood, it was the Floyd. They pushed Jupiter's expansiveness to the very limits, exploring new frontiers, and bringing to bear much of their architectural background in their detailed music structure. Wood people’s spirit of goodwill carries them far and there is no limit to their potential. Metal brings determination, single-mindedness and focus. If they have to, Metal people will go it alone. All 5 ‘Floyds’ had both elements in their charts based on 3 of the 4 considerations:
Element of 1. year of birth, 2. animal sign 3. Month of birth. No Hour elements because their birth times are not known. All 3 elements for each Floyd were Wood or Metal except Syd who had Water for his Month. Syd, Roger, Rick, Nick, and David were all born in a Wood year. No-one had Fire or Earth. Roger, Nick and Dave were born in a Monkey year. Syd and Rick in a Rooster year. The natural element for Monkey is Yang Metal and for Rooster it’s Yin Metal. Monkey makes the year Yang, Rooster makes the year Yin. Therefore Roger, Nick, and Dave were born in a Yang Wood year. Syd and Rick in a Yin Wood year.
Wood's co-operative and expansive qualities versus Metal's determination and self-reliance within the band but also within the individual. Metal Controls Wood in theory but too much Wood might dull Metal. Roger and Rick more Metal than Wood, Nick and Dave more Wood than Metal. By 1985, Wood had prevailed, and it was Nick and Dave left to carry the Floyd banner.
Syd was equal parts of Metal, Wood, and Water. It's his Water element which was unique in the band, and contributed to the band's harmony in the early days. Water lies between Metal and Wood in the Generating Cycle. It is created by Metal and in turn, creates Wood. Firstly, Syd has this within himself which means his Metal and Wood are kept apart by Water. Secondly, any friction between his colleagues’ Metal and Wood might be eased by Syd’s Water which could act as a bridge between them. Rather like Yoko Ono’s Water element helping John Lennon’s conflicting Metal and Wood.
After Syd, the Pink Floyd went from strength to strength, musically, but power struggles set in, culminating in Rick and Roger's departures. Would a fully functioning Syd have helped the band to avoid the splits that developed? We will never know.
Impossible as Syd had become to work with by 1968, the others, with Syd’s friend Dave Gilmour now added, still hoped their talisman might recover his full senses. They still held a great affection for Syd. They helped him with his two solo albums, and they made sure that Syd got all royalties due to him. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" is testimony to their love for Syd. Water may rot Wood and rust Metal at worst but at best, Water flows and sparkles which is what Syd did.
When we put the Eastern Animal sign with the Western Sun sign, we get Rat correlating to Sagittarius, Ox to Capricorn, and so on, in sequence, until Pig to Scorpio. The month of Rat being almost the same time period as the month of Sagittarius, etc. Therefore, in effect, it is a relationship between the Animal Year sign (Eastern) and the Animal Month sign (Western) I have found that the impact of these matches works closer than 1 in 12. Syd and Rick’s Roosters match Roger’s Virgo. Roger, Dave and Nick’s Monkeys match Rick’s Leo. Rick’s Rooster had been the odd one out to the other three’s Monkey but here it’s different because Leo ‘is’ Monkey.
Eastern and Western Correlations
The above correlations also apply to internal interaction – affecting inner harmony. Syd’s Capricorn v his Rooster. Excellent. Roger’s Virgo v his Monkey. Not great – Roger’s Virgo-side might see his Monkey-side as over-the-top. Rick’s Leo v his Rooster. Same effect as Roger’s one but Rick's Rooster might be more tolerant of Rick’s Leo tendencies because of Rooster's own flamboyance. Nick’s Aquarius v his Monkey. Poles apart causing some inner friction. Dave’s Pisces v his Monkey. Two very different sides of him, each doing their own thing, but unlikely to cause disharmony. Syd's Capricorn and Rooster taking the honours.
Pink Floyd's Western Astrology
With Dave replacing Syd, the eccentricities of Aquarius Moon were replaced by a Leo Moon with all its renowned organising abilities. Rick Wright, much as he missed Syd, suddenly found a Pisces Sun to match his own Piscean Moon. Rick even had a Leo Sun to shine with Dave's Leo Moon! Lead guitar and keyboards perfect for each other. Only Roger missing out. He has his luminaries in Earth signs, and apart from Syd's Capricorn, no one else has an Earth Luminary.
Sun to Sun relationships: between each Floyd member
Syd's Capricorn is Trine Harmony to Roger's Virgo, Inconjunct to Rick's Leo, Semi-Sextile to Nick's Aquarius, Sextile Harmony to Dave's Pisces.
Roger's Virgo is Semi-Sextile to Ricks Leo, Inconjunct to Nick's Aquarius, Opposed (discord) to Dave's Pisces.
Rick's Leo is Opposed to Nick's Aquarius, Inconjunct to Dave's Pisces.
Nick's Aquarius is Semi Sextile to Dave's Pisces.
Observations: Syd has 2 nice harmonies (to Roger and Dave) Rick and Nick have no harmonies here. No-one has a Square aspect to anyone (discord)
Sun to Moon Relationships: between each Floyd member
Syd's Capricorn Sun is Trine Harmony to Roger's Taurus Moon, Sextile to Rick's Pisces Moon, Opposes Nick's Cancer Moon, Inconjunct to Dave's Leo Moon.
Roger's Virgo Sun is Inconjunct to Syd's Aquarius Moon, Opposes Rick's Pisces Moon, Sextile Harmony to Nick's Cancer Moon, Semi-Sextile to Dave's Pisces Moon.
Rick's Leo Sun is Opposed to Syd's Aquarius Moon, Square Roger's Taurus Moon, Semi-Sextile to Nick's Cancer Moon and Conjunct to Dave's Leo Moon.
Nick's Aquarius Sun is conjunct Syd's Aquarius Moon, square Roger's Taurus Moon, Semi-Sextile to Rick's Pisces Moon, Opposed to Dave's Leo Moon.
Dave's Pisces Sun is Semi-Sextile Syd's Aquarius Moon, Sextile to Roger's Taurus Moon, conjunct Rick's Pisces Moon, and Trine Harmony to Nick's Cancer Moon.
Sun to Moon Relationships - within each Floyd member
Syd’s Capricorn Sun to his own Aquarius Moon is Semi-Sextile (one sign apart) which is challenging. One sign apart aspects usually are they are too close for comfort. Capricorn wants Aquarius to curb its freedom tendencies and be more responsible. Start building a few boundaries. It’s Saturn disapproving of Jupiter’s expansive ways. Yin trying to give Yang advice.
Roger’s Virgo Sun is trine his Taurus Moon (4 signs apart) which is harmonious because both are in Earth Signs and have similar values and tendencies. This Earth Aspect should give Roger good grounding and sensibility. A solid base for a bass guitarist.
Ricks Leo Sun is inconjunct (5 signs apart) to his Pisces Moon. Neither harmonious or discordant because both of these energies go their own way. Were Rick's Sun and Moon one sign apart (like Syd's) there wouldn't be the space that 5 signs apart aspects gives.
Nick’s Aquarius Sun is inconjunct to his Cancer Moon. Therefore, like Rick, he has two sides of him with different agendas in life.
Dave’s Pisces Sun is inconjunct to his Leo Moon. The same as Rick but the other way round.
Observations: Roger’s Sun to Moon interaction is the most comfortable. Syd’s is the most difficult. Rick, Nick and Dave are 50/50 in their inner interactions.

The Pink Floyd

Sun to Sun relationships: between Kurt, Krist, and Dave
Kurt's Pisces Sun is Sextile to both Krist and Dave's Suns. This is Pisces being 2 signs apart from Krist's Taurus and Dave's Capricorn. A most harmonious position. Sextile Aspects are the most positive and agreeable of all aspects. They occur when both planets are in different elements. These elements must both be Yang or both be Yin. Pisces is a Water element. Taurus and Capricorn are both Earth Elements. Both Water and Earth are Yin Elements (Fire and Air are the 2 Yang elements)
Krist's Taurus and Dave's Capricorn are, consequently, Trine to each other. Trines (two aspecting planets in the same element) are almost as harmonious as Sextiles. What makes Sextile considered even better than Trine is that there are 2 different elements involved which help each other. e.g. Air helps Fire more than another Fire can help Fire. Growth is a key quality that can emerge from Sextile relationships.
Observation: Krist and Dave should be compatible and agree on most things. Kurt similarly but what he brings to their friendship is something different. Water helping Earth and Earth helping Water. Although both elements are essentially Yin, they also have Yang expressions. In the case of Water, it would be rain. Just as rain can refresh Earth, so might Kurt have a similar effect on Krist and Dave. Maybe, he inspired them. They in turn may have helped Kurt when he most needed it. Their solid, practical sensibility might be just what Kurt needed. His main 7 planets were all in Water signs - the element of emotion and sensitivity. Each can grow through this sextile association.
Sun to Moon relationships: between Kurt, Krist, and Dave
Krist and Dave's Moons are both in Saggitarius - the sign of adventure and seeing the bigger picture. Basically, all things Jupiter (its ruler) Jupiter's adventures were often outside of his marriage which is why Sagittarians are sometimes associated with infidelity. What this energy is actually doing is experiencing life in its broadest sense. Freedom is essential and Moon in Sagittarius can not be tied down. Happy go lucky and full of physical pursuits such as Sport. Kurt's Moon in Cancer is very different. However, it's his Pisces Sun that we will be comparing to his colleagues' Saggitarius Moons here. It squares them (3 Signs apart) but the interesting thing here is that the traditional ruler of Pisces was Jupiter - before Neptune was discovered. Therefore Krist and Dave's Moons have this Jupiter link with Kurt's Pisces Sun.
Usually, the square aspect is one of the most challenging ones of all where one of the planets has major issues with the other. We don't know Krist's time of birth though we do know that his Moon is definitely in Sagittarius. But we cannot be sure how close his Square aspect is to Kurt's Sun. We do know Dave's time of birth and can therefore place his Moon at 2'34 of Sagittarius. With Kurt's Sun at 1'46 of Pisces, this is a very close square aspect.