The Cartwrights
Much of this Family History centres around the unique building that is Ramsdell Hall (see above). Until March 3, 2017, I believed - as did most people - that Ramsdell Hall was built by my ancestors, the Lowndes of Cheshire. Something I was very proud of. Then an entry in my guestbook began " I don't know how to tell you this, it's going to break your heart, but Ramsdell Hall had no connection to the Lowndes family (except for being next door to their house, Old House Green) until William Lowndes purchased it about 1815/20 ..." Please note my 2020 update at the end of this section. : o ) Meanwhile, I keep things as they were when I started this page.
To continue ... The entry went on to attribute the building of Ramsdell Hall to a Ralph Cartwright of Newcastle-under-Lyme & Old House Green. See the whole entry in my Guestbook. I have to admit that my first reaction was indeed one of surprise, devastation, and indeed heartbreak. As I began to investigate the matter for myself, it became clear that Tony Simcock was right, and that Ralph Cartwright must have been the one who commissioned the building of one of Cheshire's most famous sights ... in all its scarlet splendour overlooking the Macclesfield Canal.
The more I looked into the Cartwright family, the more I came to admire what they had achieved. Ultimately, it didn't seem to matter who had built Ramsdell but that it had been built ... and by someone with great vision. If that man was indeed Ralph Cartwright, then I thank him from the bottom of my heart, and this page is dedicated to his achievement, and to his family. Just as I previously added the Williamsons to this Family History, and some notable philanthropists, not to forget some wonderful Chinese singers, so too do I now add the Cartwrights. Life is not just about blood-lines and immediate family.
So let us start our journey into 17th Century England, and to the birth of the man who almost certainly built Ramsdell Hall. Many things are known about this branch of the Cartwrights, some are not. By mixing the definite with that which is surmise, I hope that latter-day members of the family will come forward and correct such errors, and help to complete the picture. This has occasionally been the case with this website ... particularly with those who have added to what I had discovered and presented here.
Shades of Astbury Village, Cheshire. The Cartwright's Family Tomb lies in the grounds of St Mary's Church which you can see in the distance.
Update March 2020 and June 2023 ... it seems that I am now a bona fide member of the Cartwright Family. Not the branch of the Cartwrights who built Ramsdell Hall but a branch fairly close to them - the Cartwrights of the Bank, an area near to Ramsdell. I must thank a lady who lives in the area, and who alerted me to that possibility. Here is her entry in my guest book on December 20, 2019:
"Hi Chris. First, thank you for this fascinating and very informative website. I happened upon it whilst researching the names contained in a 1918 Conveyance which I was transcribing for someone. Among the names were Chaddock and Chaddock-Lowndes. Also a Cartwright family which I feel sure must be connected to the Cartwrights you mention, although I have not yet tracked down the link but I think I can provide a link between your Chaddock family and your Cartwright family. Please contact me if you would like more information as I think it might add to your own research.
I didn't see the message for some weeks, but after finally replying, I received an email on January 16th which went into great detail about the matter. It centered around a conveyance of land involving Elizabeth Shipplebotham and some of my ancestors. My attention was particularly drawn to my Great x 3 Grandfather Thomas Chaddock's marriage to Sarah Paddey (daughter of James Paddy and Elizabeth Cartwright) Previously, I didn't know Sarah's maiden name, nor did I know that her mother was a Cartwright. Even though I had given details of the Paddeys in the Charles Cartwright section of the Cartwrights, the penny hadn't dropped then in 2017. I use "Paddey" as the spelling now because this is how Charles Cartwright spelt it in his 1791 will
Since then, and my research during February, there is no doubt that the Cartwrights are my direct ancestors by way of Thomas Chaddock and Charles Cartwright. More of that as we go on. What it all goes to show is that a fresh pair of eyes may notice something that the original researcher didn't. Without this lady's visit to my website, I would be none the wiser about the Cartwrights and me. As her email stated: " If this is the case, then you can reclaim your title to being related to the builder of Ramsdell Hall and the Cartwright family can be moved on your website from their lowly connection as an added extra to take their rightful places as ancestors ..." Would that this was so, and until June of this year, 2023, I thought that it might be. However Tony Simcock whose original email of 2017 caused this web page to be created, emailed me this month to say that there were two John Cartwrights, not one as I had originally thought. To be fair, I did wonder if I had merged two Johns into one as you will later notice.
Had I not been interested enough in the Cartwrights to create a page for them, none of this would have happened. My tendency throughout this Family History Website has been to go beyond bloodlines and see the wider picture, as I wrote earlier. Just a month after receiving the news in March 2017, that the Lowndes had not built Ramsdell Hall, I was visiting Astbury Church and Graveyard to add to the knowledge I had already acquired. The churchwarden even gave me a cd rom of all the burial plots which became a key resource as I developed this Cartwrights page. Three years later it has helped me to build a picture of Elizabeth Shipplebotham herself because her grave inscriptions, particularly her mother Mary Cartwright's, show that Elizabeth is Charles Cartwright's granddaughter. Charles' short but informative Will confirmed this. It is her mother's sister, Elizabeth, who marries James Paddey, and their daughter Sarah who marries Thomas Chaddock. Elizabeth Shipplebotham is therefore very much related to me. More later. Now to look at the The Cartwrights of Old House Green Family Tree, partly as I made it 3 years ago but now with the John Cartwright of Bank removed. He will be found on the Cartwrights of Bank tree later on this page, as the son of Ralph Cartwright, not the son of the John at the top of this tree.
Part of my June 2023 Update. I have removed my original observations about this Tree which are no longer relevant. I have kept the line I referred to earlier "I may have merged two Johns into one." because I most certainly did. Incidentally, whenever the subject of Ramsdell Hall comes up anywhere on the net, William Lowndes still gets the credit for building it! The Cartwrights are never mentioned. The aim of this webpage is to give the Cartwrights their just dues, and hearty thanks to my Cartwright mentor, Tony Simcock, who has enlightened me so much on my journey. Still some grey areas but what you see in the above Family Tree can be taken as read thanks to the 2020 and 2023 updates. Time to meet John Cartwright's younger brother, Ralph, before we meet John himself.
Ralph Cartwright : 1690-1778
The inscription on Ralph's tomb at St Mary's Church, Astbury, Cheshire, which I viewed just yesterday - 6 April 2017 - reads : "Also RALPH CARTWRIGHT aforesaid / who died December 2nd 1778 aged 88 / " It confirms that his year of birth was 1690, unless he was born after December 2nd, in which case he was born in 1689. We know the parents of his nephew Thomas who was the main beneficiary of his will. Thomas' father, John, must therefore be Ralph's brother.
The National Archives ( an amazing resource ) have several records of Ralph Cartwright's land dealings during his lifetime. The names of his brother John, and of his nephew Thomas appear in several documents, giving further evidence of their family connection. Priceless documents for genealogists!! More so, these documents show that Ralph and John often worked together, and that it is John who lives at Old House Green, with Ralph living at Newcastle-under-Lyme. This suggests that John is an older brother because Old House Green was the ancestral home of the Cartwrights. We also learn that Ralph is a dyer by trade from the first one.
Some examples ... "1743, 12. Jul ASSIGNMENT of residue of term of 200 years of a Mortgage by Benjamin Hoare of London, Ralph Cartwright of Newcastle under Lyme, Staffs., dyer, and John Cartwright of the Old House Green in par. of Astbury, gentleman, property in ODD RODE, CHURCH LAWTON and SCHOLLOW GREEN"...British History Online, with reference to Newcastle under Lyme being the heart of North Staffordshire Education, notes "In 1773 the school ( Orme ) received further endowments under the will of John Cartwright." John died circa 1760, and this reference links him to Newcastle where his brother Ralph lived. In the same article, there is reference to Ralph and his Will of 1776 in which he makes charitable provisions. I have a copy of this Will which has helped me to identify people in his life. A National Archives Assignment document, dated 30 Oct 1867, mentions Ralph in connection to a school building but this time it is John's son Thomas who is also mentioned, not John, which reaffirms that John is now deceased, and that his son Thomas is now working with his Uncle Ralph in business affairs.
At the age of 59, Ralph finally got married. 42 year old Elizabeth Colthurst was the chosen lady, and they were married on 18 Feb 1750 at St John the Baptist, Knutsford, Cheshire. Elizabeth had been christened on 14 Apr 1703 at Chelford, Cheshire, the daughter of Peter Colthurst and Eliza Brooke who had themselves been married on 27 Oct 1691 at Chelford. They had 11 children altogether. Suddenly Ralph, not only had a wife, but several brothers and sisters-in-law, and many nephews and nieces !! He and Elizabeth didn't have children of their own, but now there were plenty of new relatives to keep Ralph busy.
His Will of 1776 introduces us to a very interesting brother of his ... the Reverend Thomas Cartwright ( see his own section for details ) An elder brother that he must have been as proud of as he was of his nephew Thomas. This shows the value of Wills to the genealogist. Without reading his will, I would never have come across the remarkable Reverend Thomas. So Ralph had an elder brother called Thomas, and another brother called John. No evidence of a sister. His wife Elizabeth died eight years before him, and was buried at Astbury on 10 April 1770. Ralph died in 1778, and was buried at Astbury on December 8th.
Ralph and Ramsdell Hall
Ramsdell Hall was probably built during the 1750s, and completed by 1760. Some wings were added before 1770. Ralph was married by then, and living in Newcastle-under-Lyme as he had for most of his life. What prompted him to build such a grand house? As a gift for a beloved nephew? Thomas had just got married about the time of Ramsdell's completion. Another of those revealing National Archive Assignment documents - dated Oct 30 1767- tells us - Charles Cartwright of the Bank, gentleman, Ralph Cartwright of Newcastle under Lyme, gentleman, Thomas Cartwright of Old House Green, Odd Rode, gentleman. Very interesting because Thomas still appears to be at his ancestral home ( his father having died in 1760 ) now with his wife Elizabeth.
Neither he nor Ralph seem to be at Ramsdell Hall. Therefore, who is living there? Has it been let? There are no references to Ramsdell during this period other than the village of Ramsdell in Hampshire. Neither Ralph nor Thomas mention it by name in their wills. A reference to " the late Thomas Cartwright, esq. of Ramsdell " is the only time Thomas is associated with it by that name, and Ralph never is. However there are also two land documents, dated 1777 and 1783, where Thomas is referred to as "Thomas Cartwright of New Hall in Odd Rode". The New Hall surely being Ramsdell Hall.
At this point , I must correct a misconception of mine. I knew that Old House Green was the name of both the area itself - where the Cartwrights and the Lowndes had large houses - and also the name of the aforementioned houses. What I didn't take into account was that the house itself is Old House Green Farm (House) Therefore a document saying that a particular Cartwright was "of Old House Green" is not saying that he or she is living at OHG Farm, but rather, that they are living in or from the OHG district. Thank you again to Tony Simcock for pointing that out. Consequently, if Thomas is "of OHG" he could indeed be living at Ramsdell Hall (which lies within Old House Green) Ralph continued to be "of Newcastle under Lyme" which is not within the OHG area.
Even during the early 19th century, and references to Ramsdell became more prevalent, it was never actually called Ramsdell Hall. Even the first Lowndes to own it and live there was known as "William of Ramsdell." When William Lowndes leased it to the Williamsons, during the 1830s, it was then known as Ramsdell Hall. The mystery of who first occupied Ramsdell remains, but more of that in Thomas' section. I had considered Ralph's brother, John, as a possible builder of Ramsdell. However, given John's age at the time, he might prefer his son to carry on the family tradition at OHG Farm House.
Newcastle-Under-Lyme St Mary's Churchyard, Astbury Ramsdell Hall in Odd Rode
John Cartwright of Old House Green 1685 - 1760
John Cartwright was christened on Feb 25, 1685 at Astbury, with his father's name given as John. John was an elder brother of Ralph, and also brother to the Reverend Thomas. He was the father of Thomas. He appears to have inherited the Cartwright ancestral home at Old House Green where, as a child, he grew up with his brothers Ralph and Thomas (see the next section) and then, as head of the household, he lived with his wife Mary Sandbach. Although most information required in compiling a family history is available on the net, sometimes a visit to the churchyard can unveil important information not found on the net. This was the case when I visited St Mary's churchyard in Astbury recently. I already knew that John (Joannis) had married Mary (Mariae) Sandbach on 01 Dec 1726 at Prestbury, Cheshire. I knew that Mary was residing at Eaton at the time from an intended marriage document.
OB144 - Underneath lie the bodies of / ELIZABETH wife of THOMAS CARTWRIGHT / at Old House Green who died November / 10th 1768 aged 35 years / Also ELIZABETH wife of RALPH / CARTWRIGHT of Newcastle who died / April 5th 1770 aged 67 / Also RALPH CARTWRIGHT aforesaid / who died December 2nd 1778 aged88 / Also JOHN son of THOMAS and ELLEN / CARTWRIGHT of Old House Green /who died established in the faith / of our Lord Jesus Christ May / 11th 1786 aged 12 /Also THOMAS CARTWRIGHT aforesaid / who died July 4th 1794 aged 67 / AlsoELLEN wife of the late aforesaid / THOMAS CARTWRIGHT who died May / 14 1809 aged 71.
OB143 - Here lieth / the body of MARY / wife of JOHN CARTWRIGHT / of Odd Rode and daughter / of JOSEPH SANDBACH of Eaton / who departed this life January / 25th 1728 / And the aforesaid JNO CAR….. of Old House Green Od… who departed this …
This is all that remains of the above inscription. The missing year for John might be 1760.
When I discovered her grave and read the inscription, I discovered something that I didn't know, and it was one of the many examples one finds that touches the heart, and puts many things into context. She was the daughter of Joseph Sandbach of Eaton, and "departed this life January 25th 1728" Her son, Thomas, had been christened on 12 Oct 1727 at Astbury just 3 months earlier. For a husband and his son to suffer such a loss in so short a time is simply tragic, and for Mary not to have the chance to continue her motherhood is equally sad. It's also worth noting that Mary had a twin sister, Martha, who also must have felt shattered by this loss. Joseph may have had other children too, according to transcripts: Deborah (1709), Ellen (1719), Joseph (1716) Joseph died October 6, 1736 in Astbury. He is buried in St Mary's Church yard.
There are several National Archive documents which link John, Ralph, Charles, and Thomas together. Ralph is always of Newcastle-Under-Lyme, and John is always of Old House Green. 1743, 12. Jul ASSIGNMENT of residue of term of 200 years of a Mortgage by Benjamin Hoare of London, esq., ... to Ralph Cartwright of Newcastle under Lyme, Staffs., dyer, and John Cartwright of the Old House Green in par. of Astbury, gentleman, ----- property in ODD RODE, CHURCH LAWTON and SCHOLLOW GREEN Thomas is only 16 at the time, but soon appears in some documents such as the one below. He has now replaced his father in these matters, and Thomas is also now head of the house at Old House Green. John had passed away in 1760, and was almost certainly buried at Astbury on April 10, alongside his wife Mary. I saw the grave on my recent visit, and John's birth and age details have been worn away from headstone. Mary's details remain.
I must thank Tony Simcock for correcting my error in taking a John Cartwright buried in 1756 to be our John Cartwright. That John Cartwright has William Cartwright recorded as his father which then led me to then take William to be the father of Ralph, Reverend Thomas and John. As Tony informed me, if a father's name is given at a burial, it indicates that the person buried is a minor not an adult. Therefore the 1760 date is the most likely one, with the 24 Feb 1759 also possible.
" 1767, 30. Oct ... ASSIGNMENT .. Charles Cartwright of the Bank, gentleman, Ralph Cartwright of Newcastle under Lyme, gentleman, Thomas Cartwright of Old House Green, Odd Rode, gentleman, ... and Edward Lowndes of Old House Green, gentleman ...Building erected thereon and used as a school or school house & for the inhabitants of Odd Rode to meet in ... " Edward Lowndes was the father of William Lowndes who 50 years later would buy Ramsdell Hall from Thomas' daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband Henry Dobbs.
The Reverend Thomas Cartwright 1686-1744
Thomas Cartwright was another elder brother of Ralph, and therefore the uncle of his namesake Thomas. I discovered him from reading Ralph's will where he remembers the 3 youngest daughters of his late brother the Rev. Thomas Cartwright. Not being sure of Ralph's own ancestry, other than his brother John (father of his nephew Thomas) the aforesaid Thomas came as a very welcome addition to my research.
Thomas decided that the Church was his calling, and was licensed by the Cheshire Classis on 26th November, 1711. He was best known for his incumbency at Long Buckby United Reformed Church where he ministered from 1720 to 1744. An ordination by him on November 23, 1721, drew the following praise —"Mr. Cartwright, of Buckby, began with prayer, and prayed well." The inscription on his gravestone in the Buckby Parish Churchyard tells us the respect and affection he was held in. Fortunately, a historian made a copy of the inscription before it was worn away by age and weather:
In memory of the Rev. Mr. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, who died April 13th, 1744, aged 57; having by a diligent, faithful, and humble discharge of the various duties of the Christian and ministerial life obtained a good report of all men, and of the truth itself; being most highly esteemed of those by whom he was most intimately known. Useful information to the Family Historian because it tells us his age, and therefore, his year of birth. From that we know that he is 3 years older than Ralph.
An interesting web document runs as follows : A catalogue of the books of the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Cartwright, of Long-Buckby in the county of Northamptonshire : containing near five hundred volumes ... in divinity, history, classics, &c. : a sale of which will begin on Monday, Sept. 16, 1745, at Mrs. Cartwright's, of Long Buckby ...imprint Northampton : Printed by W. Dicey, 1745.
This is more useful information on Thomas, added to by this footnote "Mr. Cartwright left a widow, who survived him thirty-nine years." Which brings us to Thomas' family. As with his birth, I couldn't find any record of his marriage from the usual sources. However, whilst having no luck with the standard records at, suddenly a user submission jumped out at me there ... "Thomas Cartwright Marriage Sarah Eyre 13 June 1722 Long Buckby, Northampton" This had to be our Thomas, and now his wife was fully identified.
Sarah was born on 23 December 1693, the daughter of Edward and Sarah Eyre of Wellingborough, Northampton. She had a brother called Benjamin who was born on 06 Dec 1695. Sarah died 39 years after Thomas, circa 1783, which would make her 87 years old. Records of their 3 daughters, mentioned in Thomas' brother Ralph's Will, were not in evidence anywhere. I wondered if they were the children of a previous marriage because Thomas was 35 at the time of his marriage to Sarah. Then, I came across information whilst googling Long Buckby (Google remains one of the best avenues in Genealogy) concerning an Assignment of Mortgage dated 13 July 1788 held at The National Archives - another wonderful genealogical resource
1. Dorcas Cartwright & Maria Cartwright, late of Long Buckby; now of Northampton. 2. Thomas Haynes the younger of Oundle, co. Northampton, Seedsman, Rev. John Wood of Creaton, co. Northampton, Dissenting Minister and Ann, his wife, late Ann Cartwright of Long Buckby. Bingo!! One of Thomas' 3 daughters - marrying a Dissenting Minister. Like father like daughter. Ann Cartwright is definitely Thomas' daughter whereas Maria is probably only a Cartwright through marriage to Dorcas. Sarah seems a certainty for one of the other daughters, given both her mother and grandmother's names.
The Rev John Wood was born in Welford, Northampton on 10 Apr 1746, and christened on 05 May 1746 at Welford Independent Church. He was the eldest son of William and Elizabeth Wood. So Independent Churches were very much in his blood. He had 5 siblings: William born 09 Feb 1747, Elizabeth born 10 May 1751, Francis born 02 Mar 1753, Mary born 19 Jul 1755 , and Thomas born 24 Oct 1756. These are actual birth dates not christenings. All were christened at Welford Independent Church.
John studied at Daventry Academy before taking up his first Ministry at the Independent Church in Sudbury, Suffolk. He succeeded the Rev Ottiwell Heginbotham who had died at the age of 24, in July 1768. John ministered there until taking over at Creaton in 1771 where he stayed until his death in 1791. A seminal year for John who had married Ann Cartwright on April 1st, 1771 at Brierley Hill, Stafford. Ann, survived him, as did their one son.
Thomas Cartwright 1727-1794
Thomas was the nephew of Ralph Cartwright, and in his case, much more is known than is not known. He was definitely born in 1727, and christened at Astbury on October 12, the son of Joannis (John) Cartwright (Ralph's brother) and Mary (Mariae)Sandbach who had married in 1726. His father's year of birth is uncertain as is his year of death (see his section) Details of Thomas' mother, Mary, are clearer, though not her year of birth. She is the Mary, together with her husband John, who is buried in the grave alongside the main Cartwright tomb. She was the daughter of Joseph Sandbach of Eaton according to the inscription there. It goes on to say that she departed this life January 25th 1728. In an email to me, Tony Simcock wrote of a "virulent plague or epidemic in the area in 1728-29 ... " which may have taken poor Mary.
Thomas almost certainly grew up at Old House Green in the Cartwright's ancestral home. His father John had business dealings with his brother Ralph, and after John's death, the 29 year-old Thomas stepped into his father's shoes. With Ralph and Elizabeth Cartwright having no children, Thomas became Ralph's favourite nephew, inheriting much of Ralph's property by way of his uncle's Will of 1776. Thomas married 26 year old Elizabeth Floyd of Daventry on the 4 Dec 1759 in Daventry. There is also a marriage settlement between them dated 11th July 1759. Thomas' father, John Cartwright, lived just long enough to see his son married. John died in 1760.
I was unable to find birth details of Elizabeth (known as Betty) or of her family, but we know her year of birth (1733) because of her grave inscription. Sadly, she died at the age of 35, and it seems without any living children. Ralph's own wife died two years later at the age of 67. So both Thomas and his Uncle Ralph became widowers within two years of each other. The bond between them must have grown even stronger as they shared their losses. A land document from 1767 has Thomas living at Old House Green which may have been Ramsdell Hall or as it was then known, the New Hall. It's also possible that OHG was referring to the Cartwrights' Ancestral Home in Old House Green.
Part of the Cartwright Tomb inscription outside the beautiful stained-glass west window of the church reads: " Underneath lie the bodies of ELIZABETH wife of THOMAS CARTWRIGHT at Old House Green who died November 10th 1768 aged 35 years Also ELIZABETH wife of RALPH / CARTWRIGHT of Newcastle who died April 5th 1770 aged 67 Also RALPH CARTWRIGHT aforesaid who died December 2nd 1778 aged 88 ..." Such information is invaluable to Family Historians.
Ralph was now 80 whereas Thomas was 43 ... still young enough to start a family, and this is exactly what he did. He married Ellen (surname not yet known) circa 1770. The inscription on the Cartwright Family tomb tells us that she must have been born in 1737or 38. Ellen and Thomas had 5 children. Their only son, John, died in 1786 at the age of 12 and was buried in the Family Tomb at Astbury. Mary was the first born in 1771 (christened on July 1st) John was born in 1774 (christened on May 29) 3 months before their wedding. Elizabeth was born on May 29, 1776. Ellen was born in 1780 (c. April 27) Judith was the 5th child born, christened on Jan 24, 1783. Each child has a section later on.
It must have been a great moment in Thomas' life to finally be a father. He didn't live long enough to become a grandfather or indeed to see any of his four daughter married. However, I believe that at some time during his married life with Ellen and their bringing up 4 daughters and a son, Thomas did live at Ramsdell Hall, and it was his family who were probably the first to live at the grand house that Ralph built for his nephew. It was a newspaper report of the marriage of his youngest daughter, Judith, in 1810, which finally linked Thomas to Ramsdell. "At Astbury, Mr. Thomas Hall, of Hull, to Judith, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Cartwright, esq. of Ramsdell, near Congleton. "At last, he was associated with Ramsdell rather than Old House Green. However, there are also some land documents, dated 1777, 1783, and 1789 where he is referred to as "Thomas Cartwright of New Hall in Odd Rode". Further evidence that his family were living at Ramsdell. The New Hall is certainly not Old House Green. Ellen and Thomas spent over 20 years together until Thomas' death on the 4th of July, 1794 at the age of 67. Ellen passed away on May 14th, 1809, aged 71. They are buried together in the Family Tomb at Astbury, outside the west window. Ellen may have moved to Old House Green - perhaps after her daughter Elizabeth's marriage in 1801.
There are several references on the internet regarding a New Testament translation by Thomas' daughters. Here is one: An Old Italian Translation of the New Testament. By the Co-heiresses of the late Thomas Cartwright, Esq. of Old House Green, Cheshire, per Henry Dobbs, Esq. So although Elizabeth was the main beneficiary of her father, all four daughters were co-heiresses.
Caverswall Castle All Saints Church, Church Lawton Caverswall Castle
John Cartwright of The Bank 16xx - 1759
This is the John Cartwright whom I had previously thought to be the John Cartwright who lived at Old House Green (see his section earlier) Once again, I thank Tony Simcock for correcting my misapprehension that there was only one John Cartwright when there were in fact two. I had written that perhaps I had merged two Johns into one but it wasn't until Tony sent me the 1728 Will of Isabel Maxfield of Mow Cop that the penny finally dropped. Isabel appoints as her executors "my two good ffreinds and nightbors John Cartwright of Odd Rode and John Cartwright of Odd Rode Aforesd." Elizabeth Cartwright, John's wife, was her First Witness which is also significant because it is the only reference to Elizabeth Everard that I know of other than an Intended Marriage document and her marriage to John Cartwright. It also tells us that Elizabeth was still alive and active
In a follow-up email, Tony goes on to write about Isabel's situation in life. "Isabel's will is full of poignance, as she herself was in her early 30s & pregnant & knew she was dying, her husband had died just weeks before." Tony described a " hitherto-unrecorded virulent plague or epidemic in the area in 1728-29 ... " This reminded me how often, in my Family History research, I have come across the most heart-rendering stories and situations such as poor Isabella went through, along with the many others who died similarly during the epidemic.
John Cartwright of the Bank, and Elizabeth Everard of Dane-bank, were married on September 24, 1711, probably at St Mary's Church, Astbury. Mary was their first child, christened on Nov 8, 1712, and Anna was christened on October 10, 1714. Charles was born in 1716, and christened on October 14. John Cartwright's Will tells us that he lived in Church Hulme (Holmes Chapel) and that he had two other sons, William and Thomas. He also had another daughter, Elizabeth. She married Joseph Antrobus.
I am not sure about Elizabeth's ancestry. However, her intended marriage document mentions a Carolum Everard of Dane bank and Radulphum Cartwright of Odd Rode. Ralph being John's father, and presumably, Charles being Elizabeth's father. Given that she names her only son Charles, this makes sense. No details about Elizabeth's mother's name. A marriage bond took place in Cheshire on 17 September 1722 between Carolum Everard and Mariam Booth. Perhaps this Charles is Elizabeth's brother.
I know very little about John Cartwright of Bank other than he had a sister called Judith and his father was Ralph Cartwright who died in 1713. In his Will dated April 30,1713, Ralph makes John and Judith his beneficiaries, and he appoints John and his kinsman John Cartwright as his executors, just as Isabella Maxfield does 15 years later. The National Archives records in a document dated October 1, 1738, rent "payable to John Cartwright of Odd Rode" but this could be either of the two John Cartwrights. John Cartwright of the Bank died on Feb 24, 1759. As Charles' father, he is a direct ancestor of myself. His wife Elizabeth died in 1771. Thank you to Tony Simcock for these dates and other helpful information such as John Cartwright's Will.
The Bank in Odd Rode - east of the Macc Canal and south of Ramsdell Hall Charles' house is among the buildings in Higher Bank Farm
Charles Cartwright - 1716-1791
Huge Update (March 2020) at the end of this section, but before that, here is my original research, circa April 2017. See the very end of Charles' section for his family tree. It starts at Charles' father and goes as far as my Great Grandfather.
Before we come to the children of Thomas and Ellen Cartwright, let me introduce Charles Cartwright. In this section I am working almost completely with 'surmise' rather than definites. One thing that I have learned in the whole of this Family History is that a degree of speculation can reap rewards. Several people have come forward to either challenge my information, or added to it. Consequently I have decided to add Charles Cartwright to this part of the Cartwrights Family History, and see where it leads. There is certainly enough to go on to say that Charles is a member of this branch of the Cartwrights
Charles was born in 1716, and christened on October 14. He was the son of John Cartwright of the Bank, Odd Rode, and Elizabeth Everard of Dane-bank, Odd Rode. They married on September 24, 1711, probably at St Mary's Church, Astbury. Mary was their first child, christened on Nov 8, 1712, and Anna on October 10, 1714.
Charles appears in several National Archive and other documents with Thomas Cartwright. "Charles Cartwright of the Bank, gentleman" tells us that he lives very near to Thomas' home at Old House Green and enjoys the same status (gentleman) They clearly are close to each other 1783 LEASE and RELEASE by John Barlow of the city of Bristol, surgeon & apothecary, to .... Thomas Cartwright of New Hall in Odd Rode and Charles Cartwright of the Bank in Odd Rode, gentleman, trustees ... The Bishops transcript refers to him as Carolus Cartwright, christened on 14 October 1716 Astbury. His father Johannis Cartwright and his mother Elizabeth.
Moving on to Charles' own family ... a marriage took place on 18 May 1748 at Caverswall, Staffordshire between a Charles Cartwright and the delightfully named Hannah Astbury. Caverswall is a beautiful village six miles from Stoke-on-Trent which is famous for its castle and chinaware. Hannah was a widow, having married John Astbury on April 16, 1736 at Caverswall. No known children from that marriage nor a definite record of John Astbury's death. Hannah's birth year is uncertain, as are her parents but she was likely born in nearby Newcastle under Lyne. However her maiden name was definitely Hannah Stevenson. The two daughters of her marriage to Charles Cartwright were both christened at Astbury which is an excellent pointer to Hannah marrying our Charles. Elizabeth Cartwright was christened on 14 May 1749, and Sarah on 09 Dec 1750. Their eldest daughter named after the father's mother is another very good pointer. An Elizabeth Cartwright married James Paddey at Astbury on the 4th July, 1770. Very likely Charles' daughter Elizabeth with no other candidates.
James and Elizabeth's children were all christened at Astbury - John on 7 June 1771 (named after Elizabeth's paternal grandfather John Cartwright?) Mary on 16 April 1773 ( named after Elizabeth's paternal Aunt Mary or her grandfather's second wife Mary?) Names provide excellent clues in a family, though in Mary's case there were Marys on both her husband's side and her mother's side. John's naming is a stronger link. Martin Paddy was christened on 6 February, 1775, Sarah on 30 April, 1777, and James on 16 April, 1779. Nothing conclusive has yet been found for Charles' youngest daughter Sarah. Something to work on in the future.
Charles died in 1791, and was buried on April 1st.
Update March 2020 ... Above is Charles Cartright's Will, written just before his death in 1791. The few words contained in it, tell us so much about him - not only his children but his character too. "I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Shipplebotham One Guinea to buy her a Mourning Ring and to my Daughter Sarah Ellis One Guinea to buy her a Mourning Ring." Extraordinary! He clearly favours his other daughter Elizabeth Paddey and her husband James. I came across it after I had already discovered much about his branch of the Cartwrights which centered around Elizabeth Shipplebotham's Will of 1860 (see later) I had already realized that he had been married twice, with 2 children from each marriage. His Will confirms that Mary Shipplebotham, Sara Ellis, and Elizabeth Paddey are his daughters, though no mention of his son Everard Cartwright. So let's begin the updated story of Charles Cartwright and his family
Charles married a Mary (surname unsure) on 13 May 1737 at Acton (near Nantwich) Cheshire. Everard Cartwright was their first child, christened on 01 Nov 1739 at Church-Lawton. He was named after Charles' mother Elizabeth Everard. In Elizabeth Shipplebotham's Will, she writes of leaving “my portrait of Uncle Everard Cartwright” to Theodore John Cartwright (senior) Everard also appears in various land documents between 1775 and 1780, in the Shropshire area. " 21 May 1777 ...To make a tenant to the precipe, to secure Joseph Smith 600 and interest ... 11. Everard Cartwright, of Lincolns Inn Fields, London, gent" tells us that he was a solicitor. " 25 August 1788 Part recited lease and release made 20 and 21 May 1777, Elizabeth, Thomas, George Bowdler & Samuel Yardley released to Everard Cartwright, in trust, several messuages and hereditaments ..." and "28 Jan 1780 - Wolverley, Shropshire Attested copy of lease for a year. Francis Lloyd of Domgay, Montgomeryshire, to Everard Cartwright." After 1780 there are no more such documents, and Charles does not mention him in his Will. Two indications that Everard had died. Update 2022 - An Everard Cartwright either died or was buried on 25 June 1780 in Holborn, London. Our Everard.
Moving on to Charles' daughter Mary. A Mary Cartwright was christened on March 01, 1740 with Charles Cartwright given as her father. Mary's grave inscription tells us that she was born in 1740 or 1741. So the 1740 christening looks just right. Charles' Will confirms that she became Mary Shipplebotham. Mary married James Shipplebotham on 12 Jun 1757 at Astbury Church. I haven't yet found definite details of James' parents but he was born in 1733 or 1734. Anne (recorded as Nancy in IGI records) was their first born in 1758, but as the tomb inscription records, she died on Dec 27, 1765, aged just 7 years. No children recorded in any records for the period 1758-65. Then Elizabeth was born in 1765 but died on Jan 15, 1770 aged 4. Another gap before another Anne was born in 1769, and lived to be 72 before her death on Dec 12, 1841. James was christened on Aug 31, 1772 but sadly died aged 5 on Jan 22, 1777. Finally another Elizabeth was born in 1776, and lived to be 83 before her death on Feb 26, 1860. It was her Will which started this update! Neither Anne nor Elizabeth married. 5 children in total but no grandchildren for James and Mary. James only lived to be 48, passing away on May 23, 1782. Mary died on March 10, 1794 at the age of 53. A poignant branch of the Cartwrights.
Staying with Mary Shipplebotham ... her own mother, Mary, would appear to have died before 1748, the year that Charles married Hannah Astbury. Originally, I thought it was his only marriage prior to this update. If Mary didn't die, then maybe it was a divorce, less likely in the 18th Century. I have found no records of either. Whatever happened, it was a very difficult situation for Mary Shipplebotham, as well as for her brother Everard. Mary's life was harder than most. Her father's marriage to Hannah Astbury produced two step-sisters for Mary, and the details I originally gave in 2017 can still be taken as read. Elizabeth Cartwright was christened on 14 May 1749, and Sarah on 09 Dec 1750. Elizabeth's marriage to James Paddey, and their ensuing family remains the same except for some additional children found. The amended list with christening dates is: John on 7 June 1771, Mary on 16 April 1773, Martin, 06 Feb 1775, Sarah, 30 Apr 1777, James, 15 Apr 1779, John, 02 Jan 1784, Joseph, 03 May 1782, Charles, 26 Dec 1780.
Sarah becomes the key person in terms of my ancestry because she marries Thomas Chaddock on June 16, 1800. They had a son named William, born in 1801 and a daughter named Sarah, born in 1802. Tragically, Sarah died aged just 25 c. November 1802, and her daughter in March 1803. Devastating for Thomas who remained a widower for 53 years. See also William Chaddock's section under the Chaddocks and Lowndes. Sarah and Thomas' marriage is the one that initiated this Feb 2020 update, and led me to discover that I had Cartwright ancestry, with Sarah Cartwright turning out to be my Great x 3 Grandmother. Thomas Chaddock (my Great x 3 Grandfather) was born in 1770 and christened on June 5th at Saint Peter's Church, Congleton. He was the son of Thomas and Margaret Chaddock. He had a younger brother, William, born in 1773, and a younger sister, Sarah, born in 1772. He also had an older sister called Elizabeth.
It was Thomas and Sarah's eldest son William, born in 1802, who would marry Elizabeth Lowndes, and via her father William Lowndes' Will, set into motion the surname Chaddock-Lowndes. But as I now know, it was Thomas Chaddock, by marrying Sarah Paddey (daughter of Elizabeth Cartwright) who would bring the Cartwrights into my Family Tree, and show me that I am as much a Cartwright as a Chaddock or Lowndes. All sparked by Elizabeth Shipplebotham's Will.
James Paddey was born in 1739 and christened on June 5, the son of John Paddey and Sarah Stonier who had married on Dec 14, 1738 at Astbury. James, according to land documents, rented a forge where he was a saw maker. He passed away in 1795, and was buried on March 29 at All Saints, Church Lawton. Elizabeth Paddey was buried there on March 11, 1800.
However, Charles' 2nd daughter, Sarah, her details now change. A fascinating line of descendants follow as a result of her marriage to Alexander Ellis, and so many of them from the Clergy. Charles' Will's biggest gift to Genealogy! ("My Daughter Sarah Ellis") It also means that we must now take our leave of Charles and focus on his daughter Sarah.
Alexander and Sarah married in February 1774 at Whitby, Yorkshire. Slightly unusual because the bride is normally married in her home area. An Alexander was born in 1750, and christened on August 19 at St Mary's Church, Whitechapel. His parents - George and Margaret Ellis but just surmise at this point. However, Alexander was definitely a commander in the Royal Navy which we learn from his daughter Elizabeth's tombstone. Elizabeth Ellis was baptized on 30 Sep 1774 at St. Michaels, Stone, Staffordshire. She married John Hogg, born 1770, at Stone, Staffordshire, on 05 Feb 1798. Elizabeth appears to have been Alexander and Sarah's only child.
In 1817, John Hogg took the name of Cartwright by Royal licence and became John Hogg Cartwright. He had been the Rector of All Saints Church, Preston Bagot since 1800 and held office until his death on October 13, 1825, aged 55. I wonder if Elizabeth suggested this change of surname? Her mother, Sarah, had been a Cartwright before she became an Ellis. Maybe Elizabeth Ellis preferred becoming Elizabeth Cartwright than Elizabeth Hogg. Just a thought. John and Elizabeth's only daughter, Eliza, died just a month after her father. She was just 26. Eliza Ellis Cartwright had married the Reverend John Fisher of Henley-in-Arden on September 23, 1823 at Preston Bagot, 2 miles from Henley. John, born 20 Jul 1797, was the eldest son of the Reverend John Fisher of Higham on the Hill, Leicestershire. He died on 3 Jul 1868 at Higham, and is buried at St Peter Churchyard. His first wife Eliza and her parents are remembered below at All Saints, Preston Bagot.
Congleton, left, and Macclesfield, right, were painted by Martin Stuart Moore. Central is the impressive St. Michaels Church, Stone, Staffordshire
Sacred to the memory of Eliza Ellis wife of the Revd John Fisher eldest son of the Revd John Fisher eldest son of the Revd John Fisher of Higham and only daughter of the late Revd John Cartwright (Rector of this Parish) and Elizabeth his wife.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth widow of the Revd john Cartwright Rector of this Parish and daughter of the late Alexander Ellis Commander of the Royal Navy. She died after a few hours illness April 14th 1839 aged 64.
Sacred to the memory of the Revd John Cartwright who for 26 years was the worthy Rector of this Parish. He departed this life October 13th 1825 in the 55th year of his age. Deeply lamented by his afflicted widow and children. In the several duties of a Christian, a husband and a father he was most exemplary and truly may his survivors say "Let me die this death of the righteous and may my last end be like his".
Theodore John Cartwright was John and Elizabeth's only son, born circa 1807. The more well-to-do clergy often spent a few months abroad in early Spring causing missing birth dates and census returns. However, I found, at Rootsweb, this informative reference to his early life "CARTWRIGHT Theodore John Oldest son of John of Preston Bagot Warks.'UNIVERSITY College' Matric 19 Jan. 1824 aged 17yrs. B.A. 1828. M A 1831. Rector of Preston Bagot 1831." ('Alumni Oxonienses ') This places his birth in 1806 or 1807. Further Googling, rather than Genealogy websites, found this (see below) which gives his baptismal date as July 28, 1806, as well as information about a Free School in Warwick. Theodore followed in his father's footsteps when he became Rector of All Saints Church, Preston Bagot in 1831. His now widowed mother, Elizabeth, presented him. As all knowledge is 'sacred' the following from 1841 might be of interest "PRESTON BAGGOTT, a parish and small scattered village, 2 miles E. by S. from Henley-in-Arden, contains 1,173 acres of land, o fwhich 137a.3r.1p. are glebe; and, in 1841, 49 houses and 236 inhabitants ...The living, a rectory, V.K.B. £4., now £385.; Rev. Theodore John Cartwright, patron and incumbent.The rectory is a neat residence pleasantly situated on an eminence." He later became Canon, and held the incumbency of Preston Bagot until his death in 1867. All Saints Church, Leamington Hastings remembered him well: "...These bells were rehung in 1936 at a cost of £350 by the parishioners, assisted by a bequest from the late Canon Theodore John Cartwright in memory of his marriage in this church ..." (see below) That marriage was to Marion Bearcroft - his 2nd marriage. His mother Elizabeth died on April 14th, 1839 aged 64.
Theodore's first marriage was to Anna Cecilia Onslow, born on 06 Nov 1808, on 13 July 1836 at Newent, Gloucestershire. Anna was the daughter of the Venerable Archdeacon Richard Francis Onslow son of Arthur Onslow and Frances Phipps. Richard was born 16 January 1776 at St. Oswald, Worcester, and died 23 October 1849. Richard's wife was Harriet Mary Foley (7 July 1801 - 04 May 1860) Theodore and Anna Cecilia's first child was Edith Cecilia Cartwright who was born on 30 April 1845 at Preston Bagot, and lived until 1912. Mary Elizabeth was born on 2 December 1847 and baptized on 23 January 1848. She married William Arthur Onslow, son of Richard Foley Onslow, on 19 Aug 1880. Catherine Mary Onslow was christened on 31 Jul 1881, and Arthur Denzil Cartwright was born in 1887. Anna Georgina was Theodore and Anna Cecilia's 3rd child, born 20 March 1851,baptised on 4 May 1851. She died 25 Aug 1852.
The 1851 census has Theodore Senior recorded as Justice of the Peace, and Anna Cecilia as the rector! Anna died on 04 May, 1856 at Leamington Hastings. Theodore re-married on 26 Sep 1865 in Hanbury, Worcestershire to Marion Bearcroft. She was born in 1826 in Hanbury, the daughter of Edward Henry Bearcroft esq who lived at Mere Hall, Hanbury. Theodore is recorded as a clerk in Holy Orders. Their only child, Theodore John, was born on 28 March 1868 at Preston Bagot. Sadly, Theodore John Sr never got to see his son Theodore John Jr because he died on 06 October 1867 - nearly 6 months before his son's birth. Doubly sad for Marion who became a widow and a single parent for 49 years until her death in 1916. Theodore Junior married Susan Charlotte Sitwell on 14 Sep 1904. Susan had been christened on 30 March 1869, and lived until 11 Aug 1939. Theodore Jr died on August 3, 1930.
From 'Alumni Oxonienses' All Saints Church, Preston Bagot All Saints Church, Leamington Hastings
It was Elizabeth Shipplebotham's Will of 1860 that first made me aware of the Liverpool Cartwrights. The surname itself is common enough throughout England, but my particular interest has always been the Cartwrights of Cheshire and Staffordshire. Their having built Ramsdell Hall was the only reason for my creating this section of my Family History. I had to find out more about them and who they were. Just as in the case of the Williamsons, the Cartwrights simply had to be given a page of their own. The History of Ramsdell Hall would not be complete without them. The fact that, amazingly, I turn out to be a direct descendant of John Cartwright's branch is a very pleasant surprise, but it was not the motivation behind my creating this page. My policy of leaving no stone unturned meant that I had to investigate the connection between the Astbury Cartwrights and the Liverpool
Liverpool solicitor Thomas Everard Cartwright naturally caught my eye because of his middle name. Everard had to be the key to discovering how this branch of the Cartwrights links to the Astbury branch. We have already met Charles Cartwright’s son Everard Cartwright born in 1739. Charles clearly names him so because of his mother Elizabeth Everard. That was also an important piece of evidence to show that Charles is a member of this Cartwright branch. His granddaughter Elizabeth Shipplebotham mentions the Liverpool Cartwrights a few times in her Will. “Charles Cartwright, the son of Wm Cartwright, formerly of Liverpool, merchant deceased”. etc. She must be referring to Charles Merritt Cartwright. She calls them her relatives, thus linking them to her grandfather Charles and the Astbury Cartwrights. So we start with the name Everard on our journey to discovering what the link is, and with the aforementioned Thomas
Thomas Everard Cartwright was born on 30 Dec 1787, and christened on 20 Jan 1788 at Neston, Cheshire, a small, historic market town on the Wirral. He was christened again on 23 Mar 1788 at St Peters, Church Street, Liverpool. He was one of 5 children born to Thomas Cartwright, born circa 1762, a merchant, and Alice Johnson, born circa 1765. They had married on 29 May 1783 at Saint Peters (see central picture below) They were living in Cases Street at the time. Their other children were William Cartwright, born on 13 Jun 1784, and christened on 04 Aug 1784 at Saint Peters. Ann Cartwright was born 20 Aug 1790, and christened on 02 Sep 1790 at Saint Peters. Frances Cartwright was born on 27 Jun 1789, and christened on 27 Jul 1789 at St Peters. Everard Cartwright was born in 1786, but christened on 20 September at Neston, Cheshire. Another Everard Cartwright! I missed him first time round in this update, but suddenly he appears. There is only this one BMD mention of him. Unlike the Astbury Everard, there are no google references regarding him. The immediate question is which parent chose his name, and why. Also, why give the name to Thomas too? Below left is Neston Parish Church in 1848. Below right is Parkgate School, Neston in 1870.
Thomas Everard Cartwright is the only one of the 5 children to actually have a middle name. Why that of his brother’s? He is born 15 months after Everard’s christening at Neston. Thomas’ first christening is also at Neston before he is christened again at the usual family christening place. Why? His other siblings do not have 2 christenings. Could the reason be that Everard died before Thomas was born? If so, his parents decided to remember him in this way. Rather touching and beautiful. Why Everard came to be christened at Neston in the first place is also intriguing. Neston is approximately 12 miles from Liverpool. linked by the River Mersey. Thomas and Alice must have had a reason to choose Neston specifically for Everard. They certainly did. And the reason was that Alice was born in Neston! More of that later
Originally, I thought the key to the Liverpool and Astbury Cartwright connection was in Thomas Everard Cartwright's name. Now I find it is in Everard’s name. Neither Thomas Senior nor Thomas Everard’s Wills have given me clues yet. Nor Elizabeth Shipplebotham’s Will. Nothing in Thomas Senior's Ancestry to indicate who his parents were. His Will tells us that he has a brother called William and a sister. He has an Uncle William too. His Will also confirms that he has two daughters. His wife Alice’s maiden name is given by his son Thomas Everard to his only son Charles Johnson Cartwright. (more of him in due course) It’s likely that either Charles, Thomas, William or even Everard is his father’s name or Alice’s father’s name. Thomas Cartwright's parents probably hold the key to how the Liverpool Cartwrights connect to the Astbury Cartwrights and why Elizabeth Shipplebotham calls them her relatives. Time now to look more closely at Thomas Cartwright and Alice Johnson's children with the censuses now coming into play.
Frances Cartwright still bears her surname in the 1841 census, aged 50, and living in High Street, Walton on the Hill, Liverpool where her parents lived. No other definite records but in this census there is an Elizabeth Cartwright living there, aged 45. In Thomas Cartwright’s Will, he only writes of two daughters, Frances and Ann. John Merritt, aged 70, is head of the house. William Cartwright’s son Charles Merritt Johnson carries his surname. Interesting. Thomas Everard Cartwright mentions him twice in his Will regarding land matters. A marriage notice took place on June 3, 1797 between John Merritt of Liverpool and Elizabeth Johnson of Neston. No children found for them. Elizabeth was christened on 28 Sep 1760 at Neston with her father William Johnson recorded as a farmer of Willaston. His wife is Alice. She too hails from Neston with William (a Yeoman) and Alice Johnson also named as her parents. Alice Johnson was christened on 08 June, 1758. She must be the same Alice who married Thomas Cartwright. William Johnson had married Alice Jones of Willaston at Neston Parish Church on Oct 19 1755. Their other children were Mary, christened on 13 July 1756, Lydia on 20 Dec 1765, Richard 18 Oct 1767, and James, 13 March 1768. William is now a Blacksmith. William, himself, was christened at Neston on 05 July 1736, son of Thomas and Mary Johnson. We must leave the Johnsons now and meet Thomas and Alice’s other children
I have found nothing definite for Ann Cartwright yet, nor her brother Everard, who seems to have died in infancy. William Cartwright, a merchant by trade, married Alice – surname not yet known nor their marriage date. They lived at "Fair view", Toxteth Park, and also at Monte Vides, and at Edge Hill, Walton. Charles Merritt Cartwright was baptized on 8 Dec 1826 at St Peter and St Nicholas, Liverpool. William is recorded as a merchant living at Great George Street, Liverpool. Charles, now a Share Broker, living in Huskisson Street, married Emily Waring of Rodney Street (born in 1838) on 21 Jan 1861 at St Bride, Toxteth. William is now deceased. Emily’s father is John Waring. They lived in Huskisson Street until Charles’ death on 23 Dec 1873. They had no children. William and Alice’s other children were: William Watts Cartwright c.14 Apr 1825, Alice Jane Cartwright c.14 Apr 1824, Isabella Cartwright c.08 Apr 1828, Eliza Ellis Cartwright c.08 Feb 1830, and John Theodore Cartwright c.15 May 1832. All were christened at St Peter and St Nicholas, Liverpool.
I wonder if Eliza Ellis Cartwright was so named because her namesake had died 5 years earlier in Preston Bagot. She married Captain Philip Blundell Bricknell (10 Dec 1818- 10 Jun 1904) on 18 Feb 1851 in Cheltenham. Helen Frances was c.7 Oct 1852, Westbury On Trym, Redland, Gloucestershire. Philip was born in 1853 in Jersey St Helens, Robert Henry was born on 08 Oct 1855 in Guildford, and c. 24 Nov at Saint John The Evangelist in Notting Hill, London. Eda was born in 1858 in Lincoln. Eliza Ellis died on 11 Feb 1872.
St Marys, Walton on the Hill Woodwards Row, Neston Toxteth Chapel - built in 1610 by the Puritans
Thomas Everard Cartwright
We return to Thomas and Alice’s youngest son, Thomas Everard Cartwright, and his life in the context of his own family. He married Elizabeth Parr on 20 Aug 1811 at St Mary, Walton-On-The-Hill, Liverpool. Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Parr Esq (1769-1847) of Liverpool. The Parrs were an eminent family of esquires and gentlemen who had their own family vault at St Nicholas Church in Liverpool. Thomas Parr was born on Nov 4, 1769, the 4th son of John Parr and Hannah Anderton of Elm House, West Derby, Liverpool. He became a successful merchant and banker, specializing in the Slave Trade. He had a 700 berth slave ship called "Parr", and a much admired house and warehouse (Grade 11- listed building) on the corner of Parr Street and Colquitt Street. Parr Street was named after him, and his house still stands today. Now a very wealthy man, he sold his Liverpool home, and retired at the age of 35 to Lythwood Hall (see below) Shropshire where he lived the life of a country gentleman. Ironically, his most treasured possession was his coin collection, Charles Darwin met him in 1840, and described him as "an old miserly squire." He died in 1848 & was buried on March 26.
During his time in Liverpool, Thomas had 3 daughters before he was 21. Hannah was born in 1787, when he was only 17. She died on May 26, 1823. May was his 2nd daughter, born in 1788 or 89. She died on May 10, 1816. Elizabeth, was born in 1790. My main source here, "Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry", didn't list a mother for these 3 births. However, at the Latter Day Saints Family Search website, I found a host of children suddenly born to Thomas, from 1804 onwards. His slave ship had exploded in 1898 off the West Coast of Africa which may have dampened his enthusiasm out there. Instead, he launched into the building of his house and warehouse, as well as contemplating early retirement. The birth of Katherine Walton Parr on January 5, 1804 in Liverpool may have been the clincher. With this birth, and the subsequent births in Shropshire, we discover the mother's name - Katherine Walton. No further information on her, but I don't think she was the mother of his first 3 daughters, given the 14 years that elapsed. At last the boys arrived: Thomas in 1805, Frederick in 1806, Robert in 1810, and Henry in 1815. In between, Matilda Elizabeth was born in 1808, though she died on June 26, 1826. Walter Parr was born in 1817, but died on July 5 the same year.
Returning to Thomas Everard Cartwright and Elizabeth Parr. Thomas was a solicitor at Stathams Buildings, Lord Street, Liverpool. In 1817, his Attorney/Solicitor partnership with Richard Finlow was dissolved. He also had the title of gentleman. Thomas and Elizabeth had 3 children. May Parr Cartwright (1813 – 1884), Charles Johnson Cartwright (1814 – 1883) and Elizabeth Parr Cartwright (1817 – 1862)
Starting with their only son whose middle name is the maiden name of Alice Johnson, his maternal grandmother, bringing with it echoes of Neston. Reverend Charles Johnson Cartwright married Emilie Lydia Green of Kingston, Surrey on March 1 1840 at Thetford in Norfolk. Emilie Lydia was the daughter of William Green Esq and Mary of Horsfield, Bristol. Much of Charles' early education was under private tuition. He graduated from St John's College, Cambridge. He was ordained Deacon by Bishop Sumner of Chester in 1838, and ordained Priest by Bishop Longley of Rippon in 1839. Following the death of the Rector of Brandon, he succeeded to the benefice in 1845. In 1853, he became Rector of St Mary's Steps, Exeter. The following year, Charles was presented to the Rectory of Great Bradfield. Charles died in 1883 in Great Bradfield aged 69. Emilie Lydia passed away on Dec 27, 1888.
Charles and Emilia had 6 children: 1.Thomas Everard Cartwright was christened on 29 Aug 1841 in Brandon, and given exactly the same name as Charles' father. The very name that led me to the Liverpool Cartwrights. He was a boarder at King Edward V1 Free Grammar School, Bury St Edmunds from 1859- 60. He married Harriet Sophia Lampet on 24 April 1869. She was born on January 7, 1844 in Great Bardfield, the daughter of Reverend Barrett Edward Lampet, born Aug 18, 1811 in Bridgnorth, and Rose Key, born 1815 in London, who had married on May 6, 1837 at St Luke's Church in Liverpool. Sadly Harriet's father died on June 8, 1867, aged 55, two years before her wedding. Her mother Rose may also have died because Barrett had married Matilda Sarah Rich on 21 July, 1859. Adela Mina was born the next year. The 1841 census had shown that Rose had a daughter named Rose, born in 1838. No further records for her. All rather poignant, and Harriet's wedding to Thomas had neither of her parents there.
Harriet and Thomas Everard Cartwright had 5 children: Mary Rose b.1870, Ann M b.1871, Henry E b.1873, Rev Kenneth Edward (1874–1959) and Cecil Leonard (1877–1926) Being married to a clergyman and a mother of five children is a full time occupation. In Harriet's case even more so because Thomas, unlike his father Charles or Harriet's father, moved around a lot. He started in Brockley, London. Then each Census saw Thomas in a different place. The 1871 Census saw Thomas as a Vicar in Braintree, by 1881 it was Layer Marney, 1991 found him Rector of St John's in Chatham, and 1901, it was Whorlton St Mary's, Co.Durham. Thomas died in London on Dec 22, 1908. Harriet survived Thomas by 19 years. She passed away in Cobham on February 5, 1927, aged 83. She had lived a long life but an interesting one. The 1911 census recorded Harriet living with her 39 year old daughter Amy Maud who is probably the Ann M in the list above.
Lord Street, Liverpool in 1880 Thomas' Ministries St Peter's Church, Brandon, Suffolk
2. Clement Cartwright was born in the last quarter of 1842 in Brandon. Like Thomas, he was a boarder at Bury School from 1859-60. Later, he joined the Merchant Navy. He married Laura Ann Goodman (b.1868) in 1887 in New Zealand, and had a daughter, Mabel Emily in 1888. Clement died on Jan 1, 1905 in N Z.
3. Emilie Corynne Cartwright was born in the 4th quarter of 1847, in Brandon. Her middle name was that of her mother's sister, Corynne Delphine Green.
4.Elizabeth Cartwright was born 1852 in Brandon. No further information.
5. Edith Aveline married Usher Glanville Doyle Glanville in 1872 in Thingoe, Suffolk. Henry Bateson was their first-born in 1873 but died the same year. Mary Eva was their other child, born in 1877. Edith Avelina died in Wandsworth in 1905.
6. Charles William Cartwright was born in the 3rd quarter of 1845 in Brandon, Suffolk. Like his brother Thomas and Clement, he was at Bury School 1859-60. Then he went to Lichfield Theological College. He was Rector at Mileham from 1877-1882 before becoming Rector at Seaton, Rutland. He married Alice Mary of Cheltenham. They had 3 sons: William Everard Cartwright b.1873 in Woolpit who married Josephine Mary Dower on 10 Jan 1900, Arthur Henry born in 1875 in Tostock, and Francis Geoffrey Cartwright born in 1880 in Mileham, Norfolk.
Moving on to Charles and Emilia's two daughters now. May Parr Cartwright was baptized on 20 Aug 1812 at Holy Trinity, Wavertree. She married Robert Ledson (1810–1837) in 1832 at Saint George, Everton. Matilda Elizabeth Ledson was born in 1833, and christened on June 1 at St Bride's Church. Frances Ledson was born in 1836,and christened on Sept 24 at St Brides. Roberta Sophia Ledson was born in 1837, and christened on Sep 29 at St Mary's Church. Robert died in 1837, aged 27, and was buried on April 28. May was a widow for 47 years before she died on January 13, 1884.
Elizabeth Parr Cartwright was born in 1817. She married Kenneth Mackenzie Pughe, on 18 Oct 1859 at Walton-On-The-Hill, Liverpool. Her father is recorded as 'gentleman'. Kenneth was a widower, and a clerk at that time. He was born in Bloomsbury in 1816, the son of James Pughe Esq. At one time he was a Curate in Norwich and he was also became a Reverend. Kenneth and Elizabeth had no children. Elizabeth died in 1862. Kenneth died in 1875.
I will leave things there for now. I haven't been able to find the exact connection between the Liverpool and Astbury Cartwrights. Clearly the connection is via the name Everard which takes us back to Elizabeth Everard, mother of Charles Cartwright (see Tree below) Many thanks to Tony Simcock who provided valuable updates to make this Tree possible in its revised form. Now to revisit Thomas Cartwright and meet his family.
The Children of Thomas and Ellen Cartwright
We return to Thomas and Ellen Cartwright, and in particular, to their 5 children. I would like to thank David Thompson, a 3x great grandson of Mary Cartwright and Joseph Churchill, whose own research into the Churchills has added some valuable information to this section.
Mary was Thomas and Ellen's first child. She was named after her paternal grandmother, Mary, and christened on 1st July 1771. It's interesting that Thomas made Elizabeth the main beneficiary of his Will and Fortune rather than Mary who was his eldest child. Also a National Archives Document reads: 1800, 22 & 23. Aug LEASE for 1 year and DEED OF ARRANGEMENT and RELEASE by Elizabeth, Ellen and Judith Cartwright of Old House Green spinsters, and Ellen Cartwright of the Old House Green widow, and Mary Cartwright of the Old House Green spinster, to Daniel Vawdrey Esq of Middlewich. Note that Mary is "on her own" whereas her sisters are grouped together.
Mary married 37 year old widower Joseph Churchill of Nottingham, a cotton spinner, on 1st August 1805 at Astbury. Joseph, born and christened April 15, 1768, was the son of Smith Churchill (1743-1803) and Isabella Mills (1734–1810) who were married at Shoreditch on 21 April 1765. Smith - son of Joseph Churchill, a JP, (1704-1781) and Mary Ford (1709–1761) - was a hosier by trade, and became the Sheriff of Nottingham during the 1770s. Isabella was the daughter of silk merchant Benjamin Mills of Spitalfields. Joseph had two younger brothers, Benjamin Fleetwood Churchill, 1770-1861 who married Hannah Ransford on 18 March 1795 in Bristol, and Fleetwood Churchill 1772–1811 who married Hannah Page on 1 September 1800 in Nottingham. His elder brother was Smith Churchill 1766–1840 who married Elizabeth Wild on 13 September 1791 at Shepshed.
Before he met Mary Cartwright, Joseph had married 28 year old Charlotte Smith on 17 Feb 1792 in Nottingham. She was the daughter of William Smith of Nottingham who became both Mayor and Sheriff in his time. They had 4 children - Daft Smith Churchill, born on 6 March 1793, and christened on 3 April 1793 at St Mary Gate Independent, Nottingham. His christian name was the maiden name of his maternal great-grandmother, Mary Daft. Edmund Churchill 1794-1806 who died young, and Isabella Hannah Churchill, born in 1795. Their 4th child was Hannah Charlotte Churchill who was born on 17 April 1802, and christened on 20 April. Joseph's wife Charlotte died that year, and Joseph found himself the father of three very young children (Isabella Hannah had died in infancy)
Mary Cartwright therefore found herself with three step-children to look after. Joseph as a Methodist Pastor would have had a lot of work to do already. Despite their workload, Mary and Joseph had two daughters - Mary Cartwright Churchill, christened 07 May 1807, and Charlotte Cartwright Churchill born 12 Apr 1809, and christened 05 Jul 1809. A nice touch by Mary, knowing that her father Thomas' line of Cartwrights had come to an end with the death of her brother John at 12 years old. At least the family name would live on in part. Her youngest daughter Charlotte did not marry, because all census record her as single, living with her married sister, Mary. Mary's eldest daughter, Mary Cartwright Churchill, had married Andrew Perston on 18 June 1833 at St Mary's Church, Nottingham. They had 3 daughters: Charlotte Churchill Perston, Elizabeth Reid Perston and Mary Churchill Perston.
Mary Cartwright's step-son, Daft Smith Churchill, had married Esther Cheetham on 22 October 1817 at St Michael's Church, Ashton-Under-Lyne. Esther was born on 11 September 1793 at Newton, Cheshire, daughter of George Cheetham, a cotton spinner. Daft and Esther had 9 children : Charlotte Anne Churchill 1819-1837, Joseph Fleetwood Churchill 1820-1823, George Cheetham Churchill 1822-1906, Sarah Churchill 1823-1900, William Smith Churchill 1826-1914, Joseph Fleetwood Churchill 1827–1880, Isabella Churchill 1829-1862, Marianne Churchill 1831-1912, and Frank Churchill 1835-1854. Esther and Daft lived in Sneinton, Nottingham, and Daft followed in his father's footsteps by working for the family hosiery business, and for the St Marygate Chapel.
However in 1838, a tragic event took place which would shake the family, and leave Esther a widow, and her children without a father. On September 5, Daft Smith Churchill went on a business trip, to Scotland, travelling with his friend, James Perston, the brother of Andrew Perston ( the husband of his half-sister, Mary Churchill Cartwright). They boarded the Steamship SS Forfarshire at Hull, bound for Edinburgh and Dundee, sharing a cabin. It was a rough voyage, with wind and rain battering the ship. On the 7th, the ship's engines finally stopped. Eventually, the ship struck the Harcar Rock and much of it was swept away. Grace Horsley Darling (see below right) 22 year old daughter of the lighthouse keeper, William Darling, was on watch as the SS Forfarshire hit Harcar Rock. She alerted her father, and they launched the lighthouse's rowing boat. Risking their lives as the storm continued, they reached the Rock, where 9 people were sheltering among the rocks. One was a mother holding her 2 dead children. They managed to get 5 people into the boat with the others rescued upon the boat's return.
45 people were drowned, including Daft Churchill and James Perston. Daft Churchill's body was washed ashore, at North Shields, over a month later. James's was never found. Daft Smith Churchill was buried at the Nottingham General Cemetery with the cemetery directors erecting an obelisk in his memory, near the entrance (see below centre) The people of Sneinton, presented Grace Darling with a beautifully decorated pictorial bible, and they gave William Darling a silver cup, and his wife a silver cream jug, inscribed with the words "To the mother of Grace Darling". Grace's bravery sparked off a Nationwide fever as poets and painters paid tribute to her, and numerous gifts of money were sent to her. A year earlier, the nation had celebrated a new Queen. Now the people had another lady to honour. Sadly, Grace died 4 years later of tuberculosis on October 20. She was only 26, and is buried at St Aidan's Church, Bamburgh. Her name lives on and Grace remains one of the most celebrated heroines ever. Mary didn't live long enough to hear the sad news of her stepson Daft. She died on January 9,1826, aged 54, and is buried at St Stephens, Sneinton (see below left)
Mary Cartwright 1771-1826
John Cartwright 1774 - 1786
John was the only son of Thomas and Ellen Cartwright. Named after his paternal grandfather, he was baptized on 25 May 1774, but died 12 years later, and was buried on 19 May 1786. He lies in the Cartwright Family Tomb outside the beautiful stained-glass west window. The inscription reads as follows:
"Also JOHN son of THOMAS and ELLEN / CARTWRIGHT of Old House Green / who died established in the faith / of our Lord Jesus Christ May / 11th 1786 aged 12".
Elizabeth Cartwright 1776 -1826
Elizabeth was born on May 29, 1776. She and her four siblings grew up in the splendour of Ramsdell Hall and its surrounding gardens and lakes. Little did she know that one day all this would be hers. Presumably, her brother, John, would have inherited his father's fortune had he lived beyond his 12 years. Nevertheless, Thomas Cartwright clearly had great faith in Elizabeth as the right person to entrust the family fortune to, just as 50 years later, William of Ramsdell would place the same trust in his own Elizabeth. An interesting parallel between the two Elizabeths with Ramsdell Hall being the common denominator. Elizabeth Lowndes was never able to live in the great Hall during her 80 years whereas Elizabeth Cartwright did experience its many wonders.
Strangely, there is no reference in Thomas' Will of his daughters. There are numerous bequeaths to nephews and nieces but no mention of Elizabeth being his main beneficiary and of what he left to Mary, Ellen, and Judith. Presumably this was all sorted in other documents. We know of Elizabeth's inheritance because of National Archive documents that are freely available. With no census records until 1841, these are invaluable sources of information to add to Bishops Transcripts and other BMD resources. They alone confirmed to me that it was the Cartwrights who owned and lived at Ramsdell long before my family the Lowndes. None more so than the following from the Baker Wilbraham Collection held by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies.
1801 COVENANT previous to marriage between Henry Dobbs of London gentleman and Elizabeth Cartwright of Old House Green in Odd Rode spinster, Daniel Vawdrey of Middlewich Esq., Samuel Holland of Sandley Bridge gentleman, and Mary Cartwright of Old House Green spinster -- the lands inherited by Elizabeth Cartwright under her father's Will to be for her separate use after her marriage with Henry Dobbs. Mary Cartwright's title to be ratified.
The will referred to must have been a previous one to the one I have, but this document does confirm Elizabeth's inheritance. It's also interesting that she is "of Old House Green" not Ramsdell. It was 7 years since Thomas' passing, and his widow Ellen was probably living back at their ancestral home. Some of her daughters would have joined her. Very soon, Henry Dobbs would be very much "of Ramsdell" with many documents recording such. e.g. 1813, 24 & 25. Mar LEASE for 1 year and REVOCATION of Uses and Appointment and RELEASE by Henry Dobbs of Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, and also of Ramsdell and 1821, 1. May COVENANT for production of deeds by John Lowndes of Old House Green Esq. to Henry Dobbs late of Ramsdell in Odd Rode but now of New Bridge St., Blackfriars, London, stationer, in respect of messuages farms lands etc called RAMSDELL, the Close Farm, Low Farm, Poolhead and Kent Green
So it was time for Henry Dobbs and Elizabeth to marry and start their new life at Ramsdell Hall. This they did on March 31, 1801 at St Mary's Astbury. The Chester Chronicle refers to Elizabeth as "Miss Eliza Cartwright of Old House Green". Henry, born in 1773, was an Ornamental Stationer and Pencil Manufacturer in Fleet St, London, and he lived at 2, Bridge Street, Blackfriars. During their life at Ramsdell from 1801- 1815, there are letters and diary extracts written by relatives staying at the Hall - they form part of The Wyatt Papers – U of Birmingham 1982 which can viewed in PDF on the web. The letters and documents cannot be read as such, but the content of them is described: Ramsdell 1810 John Wyatt 11 to Jack Dobbs, in London, Describes the serious illness of his daughter Emily. Sep 3, 1810 Ramsdell Cordelia Anne Dobbs to her mother, Sarah Wyatt, in London. Gives news of the twin babies of her sister-in-law, Eliza. Oct 1, 1812 London Mary Wyatt to Eliza Kate Wyatt at Ramsdell. Recalls her own visit to Ramsdell. She has been ill since. Her father is also ill. Jan 8, 1801 Thomas and C.Dobbs to their son Jack in london. Refers to his approaching marriage to cordelia ann wyatt. his mother requests a lock of his hair. Jan 15, 1801 John Wyatt 11 to jack and cordelia anne dobbs in Bristol. Advises them on how to make a successful marriage.
This is the view of Ramsdell Hall that Macclesfield Canal passers-by see. Back in Elizabeth Cartwright's day, there was no canal. It would not be open until 1831.
It must have been wonderful for Henry's relatives to come and stay in Cheshire, and to enjoy the surroundings that Ramsdell and the estates offered. These snippets of information help to put Henry Dobbs family into context. As the man who sold Ramsdell Hall to my own family, the Lowndes, I am very much indebted to Henry. Also, his family were the second family to be brought up at the Hall. He was born Thomas Henry Dobbs on Dec 7th, 1775. I have a copy of his Last Will and Testament. The Wyatt Papers proved most helpful in finding out more about him. His parents were Thomas and Cordelia Dobbs because their son Jack (John Wyatt Dobbs) is Henry's brother.
Jack married Cordelia Anne Wyatt on 12 Jan 1801 at Saint Giles, Camberwell, Surrey. She would have been one of Ramsdell's regular visitors as the Wyatt Papers suggest. The marriage place tells us that the Wyatts are a London family. Jack Dobb's family were from Staffordshire - see later. An 1813 document tells us that he was an oil of vitriol maker, living in Hatton Garden, London, and another one still has him there in 1822. Henry Dobbs is still a stationer in Blackfriars. Other documents place them together regarding various land and estate matters.
Using her maiden name, Cordelia Anne Wyatt, derived from other snippets in the Wyatt Papers, I was able to piece together her immediate ancestry thanks to Cordelia was christened on 18 Feb 1777 at St Paul, Covent Garden, the daughter of John Wyatt 11 (he is the source of the Wyatt Papers) and Sarah. Interesting to note that Cordelia's maiden name is the same as her husband's middle name, which means that the Wyatts and Dobbs were already connected through marriage on his father's side. Amelia, christened in 1778 at St Paul, Covent Garden. Mary Matilda, christened July 1779 at St Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London, and another sister, Eliza Catherine, born 12 Jan 1783, and christened 7 April 1783 at St Stephen Walbrook, London. These two sisters are referred to in John Wyatt's papers. John Francis was born 12 Mar 1787, Walter Henry, christened 05 Feb 1782, and Sarah, christened 17 Aug 1780.
Returning to the Dobbs genealogy - John Wyatt Dobbs was born on 24 Sep 1772 at Kings Norton, Stafford, and christened there on 04 Oct 1772. His parents' names were not given, but we do know their names because of the Wyatt Papers above. He died at Holborn, London, and was buried on 05 Mar 1825, aged 53. His wife Cordelia died at Clapham Common and was buried on 23 May 1844 at St.Andrew's, Holborn, aged 67. John Wyatt Dobbs' parents were Thomas Dobbs and Cordelia Wyatt who were married at Weeford, Staffs, on Aug 13 1770. Their other children - in order of birth - were : Thomas Henry, born Dec 7, 1775, Clarissa Wyatt, christened on 14 Jan 1777, Stafford, Edgar christened on 30 Sept 1778, Stafford, Mary Sophia, christened on 25 Jun 1781 at St Michael, Tatenhill, Stafford, Emily Wyatt, christened on 08 Nov 1782, St Michael, Tatenhill, died in 1841 in Lambeth, Belinda, christened on 16 Apr 1786 at Kingsnorton, Worcester, and Louisa, christened on 08 Jan 1789 at Kingsnorton.
New Bridge St, Blackfriars where Henry lived St Giles, Camberwell where Jack Dobbs was married St Marys, Lambeth where Elizabeth & Henry's first 3 children were christened
Having put the Dobbs and Wyatt Genealogy into context as regards Henry Dobbs, it is time to introduce his own family which he and Elizabeth started in 1802. This would eventually become the 2nd family to live at Ramsdell Hall, with Elizabeth having been part of both families. From child to mother - she would really have got to know the Hall like no-one else would. So, it's time for our first surprise. Following their marriage in March, 1801, Elizabeth and Henry did not live at Ramsdell Hall which now belonged to them. Instead, they started their married life in London which was where Henry had his Stationary business. Their first child, Elizabeth, was christened at St Mary's, Lambeth on 28 Mar 1802. Emily was christened there on 20 Mar 1805, and Ellen on 04 Jun 1806. Ellen is misread as Allen in the transcripts, and assumed male. In fact, Elizabeth and Henry had no sons. It's here that matters get rather confusing. Both Elizabeth and Ellen are married from St Mark, Kennington. Elizabeth on March 16, 1829, when she marries Thomas Kingston, and Ellen on March 19, 1830, when she marries the Reverend John David Hastings. Emily never marries.
Henry and Elizabeth Dobbs had their 4th and 5th children at Ramsdell - the twins Louisa and Cordelia. They were born on June 1, 1810 and christened on June 10, at St Thomas, Odd Rode, a former private chapel of the Wilbraham family which is attached to St Mary's Church at Astbury. It was built circa 1808 by Henry Dobbs. We know that because when the Wilbrahams bought it in 1840, it had also been known as Dobbs' Chapel. Cordelia married Capel Berrow Berger on October 23, 1838 at Heston Parish Church. He was the son of Elizabeth and John Steigen Berrow. Their children: Capel Henry 1839-1868, Louisa Jane 1842-1895, Emily 1844-1844, Arthur Hastings 1845-1934, John Cecil 1847-1918, and Florence Adeline 1852-1928. They died at Sion House, Lower Clapton - Capel on 1 Jan 1882, and Cordelia on Christmas Day 1890.
Cordelia's twin sister Louisa remained single, living in Bath in her later years with her widowed sister Ellen at Lyncombe Lodge, Lynvale Road, Bath. By the 1891 census, she is alone at the lodge but for 2 servants. Ellen had died on April 4, 1885. Louisa died on June 25, 1894 aged 84. Two sisters, one widowed and one unmarried, who had spent much of their life together. Clarissa was born on December 12, 1812, and christened at St Thomas on January 25, 1813. Their other daughter was Anne. She was christened on October 2, 1815 at St Mary's, Astbury which led to her 3 sisters above being re-christened in the main church at the same time. An unusual occurrence but not unknown. At the time of the 1851 census, Annie was living with Emily and Louisa at 17, Atkins Road, Clapham, London. Three unmarried sisters. Clarissa had died at the age of 23 in 1836. She was buried on September 2nd at St Marks, Kennington where her sisters Elizabeth and Ellen had been married a few years earlier.
Henry and Elizabeth had finally made Ramsdell Hall their family home - any time between Ellen's birth in 1806 to the twins' births in 1810. However, following the multi-christenings in 1815, they were to leave Ramsdell forever, as my own ancestor William Lowndes bought Ramsdell Hall, and started Ramsdell's 3rd family to live at the hall. Elizabeth died on May 13, 1826 at Clapham Rise, Lambeth, and is buried at St Mark's, Kennington. Henry died on October 31, 1843 in Brentford. There is a memorial to Henry at St John the Evangelist, Southall Green : In memory of / THOMAS HENRY DOBBS / the founder of this church / born Dec. 7 1775 / died Oct. 31 1843 / and / ELIZABETH his wife / born May 29 1776 / died May 13 1826 / To me to live is Christ / and to die is gain / Philip 1.21 This memorial is in the new church built in 1914 in Southall Green. The original church, which Henry Dobbs founded, dates from 1838. It's in King Street, close to the new one. The painting below right was by Ernest Ham in 1897, one of several he painted of it. It's still standing but minus its spire. St Mark's, Kennington is below left.
Ellen Cartwright 1780 - 1826
Ellen was the 4th child of Thomas and Ellen Cartwright. She was christened at St Mary's, Astbury on the 27 April 1780. Like her 4 siblings, she would have spent some of her formative years at the New Hall which would eventually become known as Ramsdell Hall. At the age of 28, she decided to marry 51 year old Reverend Hugh Williams who came from Stone in Staffordshire. The wedding took place at Astbury on 06 Dec 1808. Ellen was living at Old House Green at the time with her mother Ellen and sister Judith. Her mother passed away the following year, so it was nice that she lived long enough to see her third daughter, and namesake married. One of those examples one meets in Genealogy - of Providence smiling.
Below is an example of a Marriage Settlement, freely available thanks to the National Archives. Particularly interesting is the name of William Lowndes, my great great great grandfather. It was William who, 7 years later, would purchase the house that Ellen grew up in. His name occurs in several such documents involving the Cartwrights
1808, 5. Nov SETTLEMENT previous to the marriage between Ellen Cartwright of Old House Green spinster and the Revd. Hugh Williams of Stone, Staffs., and by her direction and with the latter's consent, by William Lowndes of Congleton gentleman to Thomas Thompson of Newcastle-under-Lyne cotton spinner and Joseph Churchill of Nottingham cotton spinner -- 1 undivided fourth share of and in one messuage or dwelling house at Dane Bank in the par. of ASTBURY and lands there ...
Although I couldn't be sure of Hugh's birth details, his age at death told me his birth year, 1757, and another document mentioned that he was a widower. So this was Reverend Hugh Williams' second marriage. He had married Ann Whitehouse on the 06 May 1790, at All Saints, West Bromwich, Staffordshire. Ann was born in 1766, and christened at All Saints,West Bromwich. Her parents were either Isaac and Abigail Whitehouse or Henry and Alice Whitehouse. Ann and Hugh had just one child, George, who was christened on 09 Feb 1791 at Mares Green Independent Chapel, West Bromwich. Sadly, Ann died later the same year, and was buried at All Saints Church.
Hugh Williams was actually the first regular minister at Mares Green Independent, and he took charge after his ordination in 1787. He had already ministered there while he was a student at Trevecka College, near Talgarth in Wales. The college had been opened in 1768 by Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, and 235 students+ attended it until its closure in 1791 after Selina's death on 17 June. Her college aimed to train evangelical preachers, and after early teething troubles, she supervised the college herself, even having her own rooms there. Trevecka differed from all other colleges in that the emphasis was on training the students to be preachers, rather than focus on academic study. Hugh personally developed the chapel in Messenger Lane, and remained until 1799. The Countess said just before her death 'my well beloved congregation of the West Bromwich Chapel'.
By the time Hugh met Ellen Cartwright, he had established himself in Stone in Staffordshire, and Hugh and Ellen started their family there. Ellen Cartwright Williams was christened at the Independent Chapel, Stone on 20 Jul 1810, and Elisabeth Williams similarly on 24 June 1812. Hugh Williams was their 3rd child, and he was christened at the chapel in 13 Jul 1813. Ebeneizer Cartwright Williams followed on 26 Aug 1816. He went on to marry Dinah Hawkes on the 16 Jun 1836 at Saint Lawrence, Foleshill, Warwickshire. Hugh and Ellen had moved from Stone to West Bromwich where Hugh had once ministered. Hugh died in Handsworth in 1823 at the age of 65. His time with Ellen had been relatively short, but at least he had been able to father 4 children after the age of 50, and the sadness he must have felt at the early loss of his first wife Ann, was somewhat lifted. Ellen married John Reeves on August 3, 1824 at All Saints Church, West Bromwich. He was a friend of Ellen and Hugh, and had helped Ellen with probate matters. Ellen died in 1826 aged just 46. Thank you to Tony Simcock for that information.
Lady Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon was a most remarkable woman. There are many articles on the net about her, including a book by Faith Cook. Selina risked her reputation, health and fortune to support Christian preaching, and she financially supported many evangelical preachers. She built the above college, helped run it, and paid for the building of over 50 chapel. A Spiritual Philanthropist if ever there was.
Judith Cartwright 1783 - 1816
Judith was the youngest of Thomas and Ellen's 5 children. She was christened at St Mary's, Astbury on 24 January 1783, and was just 11 when her father died. She married Thomas Hall of Kingston Upon Hull in Yorkshire on 07 November 1810 at St Mary's, Astbury. Her mother had passed away the previous year, so Judith had no parents present at her wedding. It was their marriage entry in The Monthly Magazine that gave me the first direct reference to Judith's father Thomas Cartwright being associated with Ramsdell Hall. "At Astbury, Mr. Thomas Hall, of Hull, to Judith, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Cartwright, esq. of Ramsdell, near Congleton."
Thomas Hall was a merchant by trade, and was christened at Holy Trinity, Hull in either 1777 or 1786. If the latter, his parents were John and Jane Hall. If the former, his father was George Hall. Thomas and Judith had two children. Emily Hall was born on 02 November 1811, and christened at Holy Trinity, Hull on 30 November, and Mary Anne Hall was born on 29 Jan 1812 and christened on 31 Jan 1813 at North Ferriby. Sadly, Judith died aged 33 in 1816 in the village of Swanland.
An entry in "A new history of Swanland, the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries" published by the Swanland Village History Group suggests that by 1816, the family were living at Swanland Hall. When it was sold in 1818, the deeds describe "a Mansion House with coach houses, stables, offices and other outbuildings, gardens, orchard, hot houses, plantations, fish ponds, trees, woods and underwoods comprising 14 acres 3 roods and 15 perches. In the deeds the estate is said to be "late in tenure or occupation of Mr Thomas Hall or his undertenants". Thomas and Judith probably moved from nearby North Ferriby to Swanland Hall soon after Mary Anne's birth. Having grown up at Ramsdell, Judith would have felt well at home in similar surroundings. At least, however briefly, she got to know another splendid residence.
Her daughter Emily is recorded in the 1841 in Welton, and the 1851 in Holy Trinity, Hull Censuses as being unmarried. Judith's other daughter Mary Anne probably married before the 1841 Census, and would therefore be more difficult to trace. No record of when Thomas Hall died.
Swanland Village above. Swanland Hall is the middle photo where Judith & Thomas once lived.
Swanland Manor which was demolished in 1935. Lost Heritage website lists such sad occurences.
A final, and rather beautiful reflection on the Cartwrights and the Lowndes. Inside St Mary's Church at Astbury on the West Wall, alongside the beautiful stained-glass window, there are plaques remembering Ralph and Thomas Cartwright on one side, and some of the Lowndes on the other side. Further along, there is a plaque to the Williamson Family too. Three different families with no blood ties, but who had two great things in common. One was the church itself, and the other is the building which all three families lived in and loved ... Ramsdell Hall ... uniting three great families of Cheshire. Outside beneath the West Window, some members of these families lie together in their respective tombs. All is well in this part of South Cheshire.