Vilma Győrfi 21 May 1965 - 14 Feb 2023
Today, Easter Sunday, 2023, I discovered that my dear friend Vilma had passed away in Hungary due to breast cancer. She had been fighting it bravely since 2020 but it finally got the better of her on February 14, 2023. I recall Vilma's email of July 7, 2020, when she wrote "an ugly and heavy problem visited me: after all the examination that's possible, it is sure that I have got breast cancer and some bigger knots in the axilla (armpit)" Further examinations, chemotherapy, and operations followed of course.
In actual fact, it was in early July, 2018 when Vilma furst told me of her problems in that area, although at that stage nothing was definite. She mentioned that her mum, her aunt and their mum had died from breast illness when they were under 45. With Vilma then 53, she felt that it might not be inherited disease. "I hope so, I don't want to hear that any of my living relatives will ever have this problem! Enough that it happened to me."
Had Vilma and I had aconnection at Facebook as we had via email and You Tube, I would have known of her passing sooner. So here is this webpage in memory of a wonderful lady whom it was a privilege to have known for 12 special years. More than that, Vilma called me her best friend and I considered her to be my best friend too. We never met or spoke together. Yet our friendship shone brightly. Rest in Peace, dear Vilma. God Bless You.
Vilma was born on May 21,1965 in Nagypeterd - a village in Baranya County, South West Hungary - 30 kms from Pécs, Hungary's fifth largest city. Vilma had three sisters and one brother. Her father was the station master at Nagypeterd Railway Station. Sadly her mother passed away at 43 years old when Vilma was very young. Her Aunt Mariska helped her father bring the children up. When Vilma was seventeen, she lost a leg in a train accident.
Despite this and health problems which developed elsewhere, Vilma was very positive and brave. Eventually, she moved to Pécs with her father into an area of large Apartment Blocks called Tildy Zoltán 49. She worked, daily, at a radio station across the border in Croatia - about 25 km away. As a child, Vilma had been very fond of the radio. Therefore this was an ideal job for her. After her father died, Vilma remained in Pécs until her own passing on February 14, 2023. She was laid to rest at Pécs Central Cemetery on March 2. Vilma was a brave, positive, and determined soul who lived as active a life as she possibly could and a dear friend.
Vilma and I had become friends at You Tube during 2011 because of our shared passion for making music videos. Although we never met, our email exchanges during a twelve year period were long and vibrant as we discussed every topic and issue imaginable. She once wrote "we should publish our correspondence as a book!" but then added "People are not interested in so much reading books." I used to enjoy Vilma's humour very much, and she was a dab hand at irony. She was very politically aware and knowledgeable, and I so enjoyed reading and responding to the issues that she often raised in these emails. Vilma was a Christian and Easter would have been particularly important to her. Given our mutual passion for music and making videos, this would be the ideal starting point in this Appreciation of Vilma.
Vilma was a wonderful video maker in every respect, and I marvelled at the quality of her uploads at You Tube. Her main id there was SweetSmoke21, although she uploaded under other ids too, such as PsychSmoke21. Her choice of songs, and her attention to detail in the pictures, which illustrated the lyrics and the artists, showed how much she cared about each song. What separated her from most uploaders was the information section that she would research thoroughly until she felt her video was ready. Below and above are pictures of Nagypeterd where Vilma grew up. Opposite are family photos, the last one being of Aunt Mariska's wedding in 1971 with Vilma standing just behind her aunt. There were 4 other guests who I couldn't fit into my edit. This is Vilma's beloved aunt who appeared in a dream. See later in the text.
Returning to Vilma the video maker. Vilma would sometimes email me and ask me to listen to one of her uploads in order to be sure of the exact lyrics - if they were not readily available on the net. Good as her English was, she knew that I, as a Native English Speaker, might be able to determine the correct word or two. Something that I was more than happy to do for someone so dedicated to one of her most important vocations in life. I often told her that the greatest uploader at You Tube is a wonderful Hungarian lady. Well it's true - Vilma is.
Vilma uploaded her last video on March 9, 2022 Ha zászlót bont a félelem (When fear breaks the flag) by a band called East. By now Vilma was fighting her cancer so bravely. She hadn't made a video since March 9, 2019 which was before her cancer became definite. For reasons involving You Tube policies, she now preferred making playlists. See later for those links. Vilma had also mentioned at the time of her dream in 2018, that "since then, maybe, the music was not so important to me as before, better I turn my time to what's happening in the world." The lyrics of her 2022 upload show this. It wasn't for health reasons that Vilma stopped making her videos. She just moved on with her priorities. Below is a picture of Lake Pecs.
However, before Vilma's change of direction, something unexpected happened in her life. I had written a song about her based upon a dream that she'd had on January 4th, 2018. Details of this dream follow below. My opening two verses extolled Vilma's virtues and bravery, and whilst she appreciated my lyrics, modesty made her request that I omitted them and start the song from the point you will see, below the picture of Vilma Butterfly (Gemini) Actually, the Sun didn't move into Gemini until midday on the day Vilma was born. So technically, Vilma could be Sun in Taurus. What is certain is that Vilma has Aquarius Moon. More of this in her Astrology Section.
I agreed with Vilma about the two verses but then requested that she sang some of the lyrics herself because I felt her voice would add a new dimension to the song. Vilma agreed to do this after a little persuasion and sent me her part of the recording. Finally, after the song was ready, I suggested that Vilma should be the one to make the video. She agreed. It is 100% Vilma's work without any input from me. I was more than happy with the result. The video link, opposite, is therefore to Vilma's channel under SweetSmoke21 but I also have it in my zzenzero channel. The photo above is of Lake Pécs, north of the village of Orfű, in Baranya county.
Vilma's Dream which I found so poignant, and led to my writing 'Song For Vilma'. It was her second dream of the night, revealing so poignantly much about her thoughts and feelings. Possibly beyond those who knew and cared about her realized, including myself. I have highlighted in places that which moved me to write the song.
Hello dear Chris!! As it is usual, you are the first to whom I'd like to tell my dream ... 4th of January I lied down after midnight, it might be around 1 o'clock, and it changed me, changed my soul condition. Vilma then describes her first dream which involved a meeting with a dear, deceased aunt in her old kitchen in Nagypeterd. An uplifting dream which gave her "huge happiness." Now Vilma's second and main dream.
The other thing I remember firmly: I lay in my bed, feel this lighted up soul condition and I see a shadow shape..a black-colour shape, no head, no legs, not longer than the length of my ribs but it had wide..hmmm, not arms, not wings, something in between. I wasn't afraid when I notice it close to my bed, still I was filled with the huge happiness I get before (the feeling what I felt when I recognizing the radio in the corner - suddenly it awakens everything in me, everything from those days when I really stood in the kitchen. I wasn't surprise on the outlook of this black shape, I felt it is filled with goodwill and with love (like between relatives for example, but I don't claim it was one of my relatives, I cannot say who it could be and I didn't feel I should ask) and with its body and 'arms' gave me a HUGE EMBRACE, WHAT I MISSED ALL IN MY LIFE. The embrace took a while, not too long but not too short, and it gave me clean, warm, bright, flooding love (I don't mean 'love' as we use this word between man and woman; I use this word in its higher clear meaning).
I woke up at 5 o'clock and checked in my soul immediately, if I got the feeling or not, and for my big happiness, the feeling was still in my heart, not so strong as in my dream but since then, IT IS MOSTLY STILL WITH ME and I get from this given love/embrace a much more balanced state of mind, soul condition, than before.
What I couldn't get from living person, an embrace, which gave me the love I need, encouraging and loving embrace, I got it from a shadow shape and it gave it to me without asking, with knowing, this is what I miss, didn't ask nothing for it, didn't tell a word, just radiated a huge love through the embrance!!!
I don't know, cannot say, that it was an unearthly love, if was it a spirit, was it one of my relatives, or all of them..who could it be? But in real, I don't search who it was, the essence is: I don't feel so alone as before, I feel for sure that I will be accepted on the other side, I feel I'm waited there with big love, acceptance, without any urges, any hurrying, as if the shadow shape would know that though I suffer from health problems and loneliness ,and lack of understanding, but I've got still living relatives who counts on me, and I still help them, without the earlier felt happiness, cause they ask too much from me.
'as if the shadow shape would know..' in my 5 years before dream, I felt that my aunt wish me to go with her after we rejoice to each other, but I was afraid from this, and she understood it and disappeared. It was 5 years before and then time after time, at nights, standing in the bathroom, I just should tell: 'I love you and trust in you' and then, all my body was filled (overflowed) with shining loving feeling, which went through me, than ended, I stayed alone again..but now, the power of this dream, mostly is with me. Not always..just mostly. if we would be in connection, through the thread of love. I don't want to lose this thread, it makes me much better calm and confident, I hope it made me better person then I was.
Since then, maybe, the music not so important to me as before, better I turn my time, what's happening in the world. I know, nobody can break the deadly circle cause the ruin comes from our human nature, just I would like to stop it, somehow..but I'm not enough clever. The complex system of interests which weave the world over and over, don't let a little step backwards from nothing which is harmful to us or to the nature. All the 15000 scientists' warning wasn't honored more than a short mention in the end of the news. The old wars rearrange into new ones, new conflicts begin on the background of the old ones, repeating stupidity and selfishness of the leaders and we cannot say that we are free from blindness and selfishness..if we would, we could create a new system, we could assess the value of everything inside and around us.
If this shadow shape could visit everybody, could give to everybody the uplifting loving embrace I got, then maybe, everybody could get free, could stop chasing things which is only important for a moment and could separate the not important things from the important and could lead a calm-down, happy life, with family and friends, keeping in head and heart the purpose of life.
Vilma - You Tube Uploader and Playlist maker
Vilma made many Playlists at You Tube as well as storing a few made by friends. Here is the link to those which Vilma created herself which gives an insight to both the music she enjoyed as well as the themes that interested her. Once there, you can either click on ' view full playlist ' or just click on the thumbnail which says ' play all ' .
Here are some of the thumbnails of Vilma's playlists (not clickable of course) Note the 2.3 K one. 2,300 videos made by other You Tube uploaders. Remarkable dedication to the cause! Vilma didn't do things by halves. She put everything into whatever she was doing. I should add that some of these videos in the playlists are just one picture videos. Quick to make because the uploader is sharing a song not a video of it. In Vilma's own uploads, she is actually making a video. Playlists were a way of Vilma sharing more songs than she otherwise could.
So, in Vilma's case, it's both the song and the video that she is sharing when she is the uploader herself. Plus as much information as she can find regarding both song and artist in her upload notes together with the lyrics. Total dedication to what became one of her major callings in life. Vilma joined You Tube on Feb 3, 2011 as SweetSmoke21. Her first video uploaded was in Jul 22, 2011: Nils Lofgren - Ancient History (with lyrics) 1981 which included many pictures of the singer and an informative notes section under the video in ' show more'. By Dec 21, 2018, Vilma had made 79 videos under her main id SweetSmoke21. Approximately, one upload per month. But she had also made others under her alternative ids. As CopyrightSchool21, Vilma joined on Oct 16, 2012 and made 10 videos. She made 24 playlists. The link:
The wonderful irony of this id is that Vilma had been sent to You Tube's ridiculous Copyright School. There you are taught not to break copyright and risk copyright strikes. If you get three, your channel is wiped out by You Tube, or to be more precise, Google. Were all the millions of uploaders to stop uploading copyrighted songs, You Tube would be out of business (loss of advertising income etc) because 99.9% of videos(songs) uploaded, are copyright. Coming up with this id, shows Vilma's wonderful sense of humour. I couldn't find Vilma's PsychSmoke21 channel. Maybe it got 3 copyright strikes! Some of CopyrightSchool21's playlist thumbnails
Vilma's 3rd video under CopyrightSchool21 was released on Feb 17, 2013. A year and a half after her first one under SweetSmoke21. Note the difference in both the video quality and the amount of information in her notes section (click 'show more') A wonderful advance! Ellis - El Doomo with lyrics (rock ballad from 1972, UK) Vilma set high standards in video-making and uploading, and maintained these throughout this phase of her life. Any band or solo artist, whose song was chosen by Vilma to upload, were fortunate indeed, and could be sure of their work being presented in the finest possible way.
Because of the time and effort that Vilma put into each upload, she made fewer than those who uploaded one-picture videos with few or no information or notes. This may have prompted her to focus more on Playlists where one can share many songs in the time that it would take to make one video of a song. It's an avenue which I am also going down at the moment for the same reasons as Vilma. How best to use one's time online. Whether musical or otherwise.
Before her passing, Vilma had spent much of her online time, studying "what's happening in the world." She had always been political but during the last few years of her life this increased considerably. The Aquarius Moon within her really expressed itself in her emails to me. Had she not been blighted by cancer, I think Vilma would have made some very interesting videos on the dangers emerging from conflicts such as the Russian/Ukrainian one. She was so well read on political issues - particularly via You Tube. Vilma gave me several links in her emails to me.
In May 2020, just before she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Vilma wrote of her dislike for "this new century" and for her desire to return to the previous century: "I am a 20th century girl and in the 20th century we had time to read because it was before the net era, the great time robber." This was one of Vilma's most fascinating emails, and even though she used the net for her political research and for sharing her YT uploads, she realized that this technology is a taker as well as a giver.
Song For Vilma (2018)
Here's Vilma's lovely video of the song with lyrics below
I've got a friend, I won't tell you her name
I often felt, we've got a similar fate
There's something inside, deep in her soul
Made me write this song,
And here's how it goes
SweetSmoke butterfly,
Keep on spreading your wings
SweetSmoke gemini,
See what your life brings
Keep on doing your thing
Never forget that you can sing
Keep your, keep your light shining bright
On your journey - into the night
Smiling, smiling, right through the dark
Working your way and making your mark
For darkness it is - one of your friends
Until your rainbow journey ends
For there's light at the end of the tunnel
And waiting at last - is that cuddle
That shadow shape
With its love and goodwill
Gave you such
A wonderful thrill
That huge embrace, you'd waited so long
Had finally found you, beautiful swan
Came without asking, came without call
Came out of nowhere, made you feel so warm
They're waiting for you
On the other side
They're calling to you
From the comforting side
Vilma butterfly,
Keep on spreading your wings
Vilma gemini,
See what your life brings
Keep on doing your thing
Never forget that you can sing
But your time has not yet come
No your time has not yet come
Still work for you to do
To see your journey through
Vilma - Singer and Songwriter
Vilma's love of music eventually turned itself to both singing and song writing. We have already met Song For Vilma which was based upon a dream Vilma had in 2018. After discussion, we agreed to change and eliminate some of the verses that I had originally written in order to shorten its original length of 7 mins! Vilma had felt that I had sung her praises too much, and whilst she so appreciated my gift to her, she felt a little moderation was in order. I totally agreed with her. I had indeed gone over the top in my praise. Modifications were indeed needed,
I was very impressed by Vilma's ability to edit the song in this way - keeping the essentials but fine-tuning it in several places. The result was a much better song. Consequently, the song now had two composers - Chris Roughan and Vilma Gyorfi. The subject of the song had become a song writer too. As a great video maker of songs, Vilma was used to analising lyrics and structure, in order to place photos (and lyrics) in appropriate places on screen. Therefore it was natural that she would become pro-active even in a song written about her. So, the video at You Tube and the lyrics you saw in that section are the result of our editing, led by Vilma.
Vilma had already been involved in singing during our acquaintance. She took a shine to Chinese Rocker Cui Jian's 'Fake Monk'. In September 2016, I had sent her the link to the original song at You Tube plus my singing of it as an mp3. She sent me her own recording of part of it, acapella. I liked what I heard. She wasn't sure about her singing here but I was very sure. She had once written to me "my voice still as a teenager voice." I replied: "you are very lucky!! Many ladies over 50 – and even over 40 – wish they had a teenage voice."
Her voice has a charm and gentility about it that I find rather endearing. Quiet, yes but voices come in many shades and textures. The English Translation of the full lyrics are below. It's not a direct translation but my adapted one because I wanted each line to rhyme for effect but it's still true to the meaning of the lyrics. Vilma is singing my adapted lyrics in the video.
In 2018, Vilma showed that she too could write songs. Whether she had previously in her life, I don't know. Vilma told me that my song for her, as well as the work we did together in editing the song, had inspired her to write songs of her own. The following song which Vilma sent to me in February, 2018, together with the lyrics, is an example of what might have been had health matters not held her back so much from this year until her passing. It follows on from my song about her shadow shape dream in January, and was written while we were getting 'Song For Vilma' ready for its video and then upload to You Tube.
'Dreams and Nightmares' is a remarkable song in many ways, and gets better each time I listen to it. There are several things to be aware of here. First of all, Vilma had many things on her mind during this period in her life. Her video making had come to a halt because she felt there were more important matters to consider such as what was happening in the world. Secondly, if this was her first venture into song-writing, Vilma had the disadvantage of low bloodflow to her head. Therefore, singing would have been particularly difficult for her.
She had so enjoyed singing and recording Fake Monk in 2016. Followed by her excitement at preparing to sing part of Song For Wilma in the future. But now she was singing a song that she herself had written which brings different emotions into play. Much for Vilma to think about as she recorded 'Dreams and Nightmares'. It is the only recording of this song that Vilma ever sent me, and I would like to have heard her record it a few more times. She probably would have done so had other matters not taken up her time. More of that later.
Being a close friend of Vilma's, and knowing her as I do, helps me to appreciate the lyrics in the context of her life's experiences. She had friends at Facebook as well as at the Radio Station workplace. But she lived alone too. "The embrace you need, don't arrive" tells the listener so much about Vilma. We might take cuddles and embraces for granted in our lives. Vilma didn't - she longed for them! Very much going back to her shadow shape dream.
The first verse, which is then repeated at the end, is very telling and poignant. Some might see paranoia as the song develops but I don't. In twelve years of emailing with Vilma, I saw a balanced, logical, well-read, philosophical person. Well able to look beyond her own difficulties and think of others. Not afraid to reveal her own thoughts and feelings as she does in this song. The last verse, like the first two verses, has a positivity which, for me, is the crux of the song.
These are not lyrics written for an effect or impact but lyrics coming from the writer's heart. Of the music itself, Vilma wrote to me "I know that the tune is too much repeating." I had to disagree in my reply to her, and still feel that way. It stands up very well musically with subtle variations as she sings. "Whenever - you are - unsure" is simply beautiful. Also the next line. Vilma's voice goes very quiet for the last few lines of the 'slow part' but with the volume turned up for that bit, I could hear that it was still effective.

In early July, Vilma started experiencing problems in her breast area "those little black points on me, are important warnings to me and without furthermore hesitation I should turn to doctor." This she did, and on August 5, she wrote " I feel frightened just as much as I should, to do the so many things I have to. It's a long procedure I should face with but it's going step by step, and in the end I will be ok".
Her home doctor recommended mammography tests. On August 7, Vilma wrote "Health problems, are the best helpers to become a good hearted person, who is sensible for the problems of others." Yes! and no-one knew this better than Vilma. On August 8 she wrote "I'm 100 % in good soul state, though I'm sure I stand before a huge fight." Eventually, after delays, Vilma got her mammography and ultrasound done, and on August 22 wrote that it was negative. However pains were still occuring, and despite doctors' reassurances that nothing serious was wrong, Vilma was not convinced. On September 26, she wrote "I'm a bit unsure about the way I should go to investigate my health problems."
So, 2018 was turning into a year of so many highs and lows in Vilma's life. Musically, she was now focusing on her own singing rather than those of artists she admired. Song For Vilma was finally uploaded to SweetSmoke21's You Tube Channel on August 8 with Vilma's vocals joining my own. Her lovely video put the song into context with well chosen, appropriate pictures. As well as Dreams and Nightmares, Vilma sent me a great little song on August 11. She wrote to me that it had actually been ready on July 21 but "then the tune made a little change in my head and had another kind of lyrics so I couldn't complete it."
I couldn't see a title for it but the lyrics showed me that Vilma's songwriting had so much potential. I loved her humour at the end of the email "Sorry ... maybe once I will get back to tune again :)" Wonderful! Unfortunately, that was the last recording Vilma ever sent to me. The aforementioned health problems took up much of her time from July onwards. Focusing on more song writing would have been difficult for her. Vilma had prefixed her "those little black points on me" disclosure with "The song you wrote so precious to me and even more precious now..." Wow Vilma. Those songs of yours which you sent me in 2018, they are equally precious to me. Thank goodness you were able to record them and send them. Bless you.

Tribute to Vilma ( 2023) 2m 58
Opposite is a You Tube tribute to one of the best friends I have ever known. Our 12 year Friendship has been one of the most important parts of my life. I will miss you so much but our email correspondences remain a treasure to draw upon forever. As you once wrote “we should publish our correspondence as a book!” Yes. I loved your humour which remained strong despite the adversities that you had to contend with. You were the bravest person I ever knew and were positive to the end. Bless you Vilma, You Tube uploader supreme & the most shining light in my life.
This wasn't an area that Vilma and I particularly discussed in our emails. However, given my Astrological experience, it would be a big omission not to give some Astrological insight into the special person that Vilma was. We will start with her Sun which people often call their Star Sign (Sun being a star) The Sun didn't move into Gemini until midday on the day Vilma was born. If she was born in the morning, Taurus is her Sun Sign. If later, Gemini is her Sun Sign. Not knowing Vilma's Birth Hour we must therefore say that her Sun is Taurus-Gemini cusp. Not a drawback because Vilma has other planetary bodies in both signs.
Vilma's Venus (our desires) and Jupiter (seeing the bigger picture) are definitely in Gemini. Her North Node (Path in Life to follow) is also in Gemini, further emphasizing her Gemini qualities. The North Node should make her more open-minded, seeking to discover what Gemini is all about. Vilma's Sagittarius South Node is her past and lessons already learned. Resisting its pull and embracing all things Gemini is the North Node's challenge.
Venus is playful in Gemini and gives love a lighter touch. The desire is for mental stimulation rather than physical or intense feelings. Gemini Venus falls in love with the mind rather than the body. Fun and excitement are important, so Gemini Venus mustn't get bored. In our friendship, I noticed that Vilma enjoyed my sense of humour and I hers. Mutual stimulation. Jupiter in Gemini is about connecting with others and the media. Although, Jupiter is in fall here because Gemini doesn't usually see the bigger picture, they can still work together on Vilma's behalf.
Vilma's Taurus energies are very different to her Gemini ones. Her Mercury (our mentality) is in Taurus as is Vesta (that which we hold sacred) In Taurus, Mercury's thinking is practical and realistic. As solid as Taurus' Earth Element. One might therefore expect Vilma to communicate in a measured, direct and honest way. Her strong Gemini influences would have their say too, perhaps speeding up her decision-making and certainly adding some sparkle.
Her Vesta in Taurus would help Vilma to work hard, be persistent and purposeful to achieve her goals. Project work is enjoyed but there needs to be tangible results to keep Vesta's flame burning. Security, stability and comfort are essential both within self and surroundings.
Physical needs as well as mental needs are important to Taurus. Vilma wrote about the lack of cuddles and embraces in her life. Her 2018 dream, sees a Shadow Shape giving her a "HUGE EMBRACE, WHAT I MISSED ALL IN MY LIFE" ... " What I couldn't get from a living person" ... " this is what I miss." This was a seminal moment in our email correspondence, as I read Vilma's vivid account of the dream. From this was born my song about her and also her own song-writing, sadly cut short by her cancer. To be physically embraced became sacred to Vilma, & her Vesta in Taurus is therefore a deeply felt part of her psyche.
Vilma's Astrology
The Gemini and Taurus Within
The Aquarius Within
The Moon is our other luminary, and which sign it is in plays an important in our life, particularly for a woman. It's influence on us can be as great as the Sun's. It describes who we already are rather than, in the Sun's case, the qualities we are learning to develop. What is certain, and very relevant in Vilma's case, is that the Moon was in Aquarius throughout the 24 hour period of May 21. Therefore we do not need Vilma's Hour of birth here.
Vilma's Aquarius Moon might make her attractive to those with Sun in Aquarius because they would share similar traits and values such as independence, freedom-loving, friendship, justice, objectivity, civilised, unpredictable, egalitarian, very original and a rebel. Moreover, as an air sign, it is harmonious to Vilma's Gemini energies, though discordant to her Taurus ones. In our correspondences, Vilma's Aquarius side shone through brightly.
Relationships and long-standing friendships would be very important to Vilma. Aquarius looks at matters from an objective distance - reason before passion. I found Vilma to be such a supportive friend whose advice was clearly the result of much thought as well as insight and understanding. Aquarius also needs space from friends which is not easy because there may be many friends to keep in touch with! This is very much thinking space which is essential to Aquarius who thinks about the collective aspects of society as well as individual friendships. Vilma was very political and cared about people and their situations in the world. Aquarians can be avant-garde, and Vilma showed this in her musical tastes which were quite eclectic.
The Aquarius Moon person sees people and organizations as they really are - more so than the Aquarius Sun person does. Vilma had this ability. She very quickly saw through the You Tube Hierarchy for the corrupt and inhumane people they are. Despite Aquarius Moon's love of people and collectives, it can also feel like an outsider. A kind of lone wolf or even the lonely moon. This is because the Moon is feelings-orientated compared to Aquarius's detached and objective nature. The unpredictable nature of Aquarius can also be testing for the moon. Vilma's Moon in Aquarius is as important a part of her as her Taurus-Gemini Cusp Sun.
She also has her Juno (Jupiter's wife) in Aquarius - one of the 4 mini-planets that some astrologers take great note of. They are named after goddesses and give a useful female perspective to a chart. Juno watches over marriage, childbirth and the one true love. With this placement, Vilma might face romantic dilemmas because Aquarius is Juno's least favourite energy. Although Aquarius shares Juno's principles of loyalty and true love, freedom and friendship mustn't be compromised. Juno sees Aquarius as being too free and irresponsible. Juno's own marriage to Jupiter tested her to the full!
Vilma and I connected on an intellectual level not a romantic one. She did have online friends who sought a romantic relationship, indeed marriage, but something held her back. Juno holds marriage as sacred but being in Aquarius here, Vilma would need to be sure that her free spirit wasn't stifled by the commitment of marriage. I believe Vilma would have been a wonderful wife, and both Juno and Aquarius would have been happy. Her physical difficulties should not have held her back if the right man had come along.
Vilma's Pallas (Athena) is also in Aquarius. With Pallas being the Wise Warrior Queen, Vilma might want to help oppressed minorities to stand up for their rights, and enjoy a better and fairer future. Highly intelligent and very adept with technology, particularly the internet. Artistically gifted and often psychic. Daughters tend to be closest to their fathers. Vilma lived with her father for many years. The Vilma that I knew, certainly fulfilled the characteristics of Moon, Juno and Pallas in Aquarius.
The Virgo Within
Vilma's chart has 3 planets in Virgo - Mars, Uranus and Pluto which are conjunct (close together) We call this a Stellium. This gives Vilma a strong Virgo energy to add to her Gemini, Taurus and Aquarius influences. Throughout her video making, Vilma was very detailed in all aspects of her uploads and her notes section was the best I ever met at You Tube. If she wasn't sure of some of the lyrics, she would ask me to listen too because she wanted her notes section too be as perfect as possible. Pure Virgo! However, it's the particular planets in this Stellium which are of more consequence than their Virgo-ness.
The conjunction between Uranus and Pluto is one of the most lauded planetary aspects ever. It's 1963-1968 period saw so much happen in the world. To quote one writer " ... a revolutionary new spirit in the air, extolling the virtues of individual rights and freedom, stimulating the need for the transformation of the existing social establishment and the breakdown of outdated and limiting social and national attitudes and engrained patterns of thinking." Vilma was born into this amazing era, as was a whole generation. I believe she felt these vibes throughout her life.
Her Mars moved out of orb with the Stellium a week after her birth but it remained in Virgo until late June. Uranus and Pluto stayed in Virgo with their conjunction getting ever closer. It became exact on June 27, 1966 ... in the year of the Fire Horse! The one year in sixty that Eastern Astrologers take serious note of. Fire Horse loved this conjunction! More of Fire Horse and Vilma's Wood Snake later. From July onwards, Uranus and Pluto slowly moved apart, though still in conjunction, until September 1968, when Uranus entered Libra. Pluto stayed in Virgo until October 5, 1971, when it joined it's friend Uranus in Libra. Virgo's adventure was over.
Vilma's Aquarius and Virgo side should respond very positively to Uranus conjunct Pluto. Uranus is ruled by Aquarius and Pluto is exalted in Virgo. Her Gemini side is compatable too being in trine harmony with Aquarius. Even her Taurus side (Mercury and Vesta) are ok with Mars, Uranus and Pluto, because they are in Virgo which Taurus likes, as a fellow Earth sign. Vilma's Virgo planets receives trines from her Taurus ones albeit not close orbs. They would actually be in detriment if in Taurus. But they are not, so all is ok on that front.
Time to look at Vilma's main chart aspects. An aspect is an angle that planets make to each other and is as important as the sign a planet is in. Conjunct, trine, square, sextile, and opposition are the main aspects. Although Vilma's Mars in Virgo conjuncts both Uranus and Pluto, it is her Mars conjunct Pluto which is much closer in orb (the exactness of an aspect) This is one of her most important chart aspects, giving Vilma great drive and determination as well as inner strength and strong intuition. If she couldn't find a solution, she would do everything she could to resolve it. Again, I come back to her amazing video-making. Vilma left no stone unturned to present the very best video and notes she could. At times it must have been very draining given her health situation.
For Vilma's Mars conjunct Uranus, read the text picture next to Fire Horse. Not as exact a conjunction as her Mars/Pluto but telling enough. Vilma's reaction to a revolution song of mine reminds me that there was something of the Anarchist or Rebel in her. Vilma's Mars/Pluto conjunction in Virgo is opposed by Saturnfrustrations and unfulfilled desires might lead to anger one moment and apathy the next. But Vilma was very determined and Saturn was in Pisces, where intuition and emotion as well as reason all come into the equation. Therefore, with Saturn's guidance, and Virgo's eye for detail, Vilma's Piscean dreams can turn into reality and have a more grounded spirituality. Vilma looked into subjects in great depth and caring, and often gave me links to study.
Saturn's opposition brings into play Vilma's 2nd Stellium. If you look at her chart picture, you can see this Pisces Stellium facing her Virgo Stellium. I call this Virgo/Pisces Polarity (opposite signs) the Polarity of Service because Virgo serves the physical and Pisces the spiritual. As well as Saturn, this Pisces Stellium introduces us to Chiron and Ceres. Two more of the Five Asteroids commonly used in Modern Astrology. Before focusing further on Vilma's Pisces side, note should be made of her Gemini Venus squaring her Uranus almost exactly. Her squaring Pluto is wider in orb. Square aspects are the toughest ones. Vilma was reluctant to commit herself to relationships beyond friendship. Uranus likes to be emotionally free, and a Gemini Venus, as we noted earlier, doesn't like loving to be too heavy. Despite the nature of this aspect, both Venus and Uranus might be in accord. Venus is about desire as much as it is about love. Maybe Vilma's ultimate desire was for freedom. Her Aquarius side - particularly Juno there - echoes this too. Even as I right, the lyrics "Vilma Butterfly" come to mind.
Returning to Vilma's Pisces Planets. Chiron, along with Neptune, rules of Pisces. Chiron becomes the compassionate healer in Pisces. He encourages us to embrace our sensitivity and find beauty in our imperfections. He helps us to understand others psychically and have deep sensitivity to their feelings.